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Spell-checking functions are now included in word-processing programs for use with computers. They can help you eliminate, at the proofreading stage, most of the spelling and typographical errors in a document. Especially useful are the "search" feature, which can instantly locate a specific combination of letters, and the "search-and-replace" feature, which can find all instances of a misspelled word or variant spelling and replace them with the correct or preferred form.
Spell-checking programs do have the following drawbacks:
Ewe bake two manly arrows.
would be approved by a spell checker for a sentence that should read
You make too many errors.
He do not understands.
would not be flagged.
instead of just
A variation of this command is required to cover specific occurrences such as honor followed by a period.
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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
Outils d'aide à la rédaction – The Canadian Style
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction