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(a) Capitalize civil, military, religious and professional titles and titles of nobility when they precede and form part of a personal name:
(b) Capitalize all titles following and placed in apposition to a personal name, except those denoting professions:
(c) Capitalize a title referring to a specific person and used as a substitute for that person’s name, even if it is a short form:
(d) Do not capitalize spelled-out titles in the plural or titles preceded by an indefinite article:
(e) Capitalize abbreviated titles in the plural:
(f) Do not capitalize titles modified by a possessive or other type of adjective, or by an indefinite article:
(g) Capitalize titles only when they refer to a specific person; do not capitalize a term that refers to a role rather than a person:
(h) Occupational titles used descriptively are normally followed by a complete personal name. They should not be capitalized in writing for general readers, although corporate requirements and the expectations of a specialized readership often result in a more liberal use of capital letters:
(i) Do not capitalize adjectives derived from titles unless they are part of a title:
(j) Capitalize titles of respect and forms of address, even when used in the plural:
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – The Canadian Style
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction