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Use a comma to separate the day of the week from the date and the place from the date:
If the date is written in the order day-month-year, no commas are required before, after or between the components of the date:
If, however, the order given is month-day-year, the day and year are separated by a comma, and the year should normally be followed by a comma within the body of a sentence or sentence equivalent:
If you are stating only the month and the year, do not insert a comma:
Similarly, a comma separates a place name from the name of a province or the abbreviation for that province, and the province’s name or abbreviation is normally followed by a comma within the body of a sentence or sentence equivalent:
Use commas to separate address components, as illustrated:
Note that the postal code is followed, but not preceded, by a comma when the address forms part of a sentence, and that two spaces separate the provincial name from the postal code.
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – The Canadian Style
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction