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Like parentheses, a dash may be used at the end of an unfinished or interrupted statement or a pause, as in transcripts:
Here the dashes are used to indicate, first, a pause and clarification and, second, an interruption.
The dash may be used to introduce an afterthought, correction or repetition:
It may similarly be used to set off an emphatic ending or one that contrasts with the remainder of the sentence:
Dashes give greater emphasis to parenthetic material than do commas or parentheses. If the parenthetic material contains internal punctuation or forms a complete sentence, the commas that might have been used to enclose it should be replaced by dashes or parentheses, depending on the degree of emphasis desired or the closeness of the relationship to the rest of the sentence. Parentheses are generally used to enclose material more remote from the main thrust of the sentence, dashes for material more closely related:
The em dash is also used to attribute a quotation, as in the example above.
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – The Canadian Style
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction