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> HyperGrammar2 > Review: Adding Punctuation, Answer 2.
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Review: Adding Punctuation, Answer 2.
- Question:
- I really enjoyed Lost Ground the new short story by William Trevor said Samuel.
- Answer:
- "I really enjoyed ’Lost Ground,’ the new short story by William Trevor," said Samuel.
- Explanation:
- If you are following North American usage, you need double quotation marks around the words spoken by Samuel and single quotation marks around the title of the short story, because it is a minor title and is already inside double quotation marks (in British usage, you write the single quotation marks by default). The comma after Ground is necessary because the phrase that follows is non-restrictive, and the comma must fall inside the single quotation mark. The comma after Trevor is required to introduce said Samuel (this is a convention of dialogue), and the comma must fall inside the double quotation marks.
© Department of English, Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa, 2024