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Review: Paragraph Development, Answer 2.1


When I tell young softball players I played the game bare-handed, they regard me warily. Am I one of those geezers who’s forever jawing about the fact that, in his day, you had to walk through six miles of snowdrifts just to get to school? Will I tediously lament the passing of the standing broad jump, and the glorious old days when the only football in the Maritimes was English rugger, when hockey was an outdoor art rather than indoor mayhem and at decent yacht clubs, men were gentlemen and women were persona non grata? No, but I will tell today’s softball players that—with their fancy uniforms, batters’ helmets, dugouts, manicured diamonds, guys to announce who’s at bat over public address systems and, above all, gloves for every fielder—the game they play is more tarted-up and sissy than the one I knew. (from Harry Bruce, "The Softball was Always Hard")
The answer detail is not correct.
The author combines a description of both the sports of the glorious old days and modern-day softball with a comparison of older and newer recreational activities.