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Test yourself

Are the modifiers in these sentences correct or dangling?

  1. Though only in Grade 3, the school librarian realized that Kristen could read as well as many junior high students.


  2. Listening attentively to even the most long-winded guests, our host managed to make everyone feel welcome.


  3. Within three minutes of meeting Grigor in the lineup at Starbucks, Sandra had fallen hopelessly in love with him.


  4. Dotting the skies over Gatineau, the spectators gaped at the brightly coloured hot-air balloons.


  5. While driving along the narrow Scottish roads in his beat-up Land Rover, a great idea struck him.


  6. Although eighty years old, most household chores were still easy for Minnie to perform.


  7. Skipping stones and throwing sticks into the waves, the children were oblivious to the approaching tornado.
