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  1. Filled with loathing and trepidation, Jorge took one hesitant step after another[ ] advancing slowly and inexorably[ ] toward the pit of snakes.



  2. I don’t know about you[ ] but I would hire Claude to renovate the sunroom if he were available.


  3. Arthur, the first boy in his class to kiss a girl[ ] was immensely proud of his accomplishment.


  4. The Perfect Storm is the harrowing tale of how the Andrea Gail, a swordfishing boat[ ] disappeared during a historic gale at sea.


  5. Because she hated every article of clothing in her closet[ ] Betty Jo cancelled her dinner party[ ] at the last minute.



  6. “Diving” Dave Olsen, the only person in town to swim across the lake in under twenty minutes[ ] won a community award for his accomplishment.


  7. People desire job satisfaction[ ] and job recognition is one of the priorities HyperTech intends to stress[ ] as it enters a bigger marketplace.



  8. Despite her migraine[ ] Chantal showed up for the martial arts tournament and sparred harder than she ever had before.


  9. On Sunday[ ] we plan to snowshoe up the logging road to our favourite hot springs[ ] where we will soak and dream for hours.



  10. With a sparkle in her eye, a lilt in her voice and a skip in her step[ ] she became one of the most famous child stars ever[ ] capturing the hearts of millions.

