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bibliographies: articles

An entry for an article in a periodical should contain the following:

  • Author’s name, inverted
  • Title of the article, enclosed in quotation marks, with a period inside the closing quotation marks
  • Name of the periodical, in italicsVolume and issue number (if any)
  • Date, in parentheses, with no comma between it and the volume or issue number
  • Page number(s), inclusive.

In accordance with International Standard ISO 690: 1987, the abbreviation p. or pp. may be omitted, and a colon then precedes the page number(s).

Moore, Jason. "Understanding Old Age." Popular Medicine 7, 3 (August 1991): 210–14.

However, if the volume number has not been given, the abbreviation is used and is preceded by a comma:

Luna, James. "Allow Me to Introduce Myself: The Performance Art of James Luna." Canadian Theatre Review 68 (Fall 1991), pp. 46–7.

Articles from specialized periodicals

Bibliographic, footnote and endnote entries for articles in specialized periodicals in the natural, applied and social sciences are generally presented as follows:

  • Only the first word in the article title and proper nouns and their derivatives are capitalized.
  • Since most scientific publications use the author-date system in references, the date of publication is placed directly after or below the author’s name.
  • No quotation marks are used for the title of the article.
  • The title of the publication is invariably abbreviated and in most cases not italicized.
  • The volume or issue number is followed by a colon, and p. or pp. is not used before the page or page range.

The following example illustrates the guidelines shown for specialized periodicals.

Ivanovic, M., and K. Higita. 1991. Advances in cellular and development biology. Can. J. Biochem. 125: 539–41.

Note the use of periods with the abbreviations.

See the following articles for more information on abbreviating titles: