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concern, concerned

To concern can mean “to relate to”, “to involve the interests of” and “to make anxious.”

  • The complaint concerns (relates to) harassment.
  • The investigation concerns (involves) two employees suspected of fraud.
  • The child’s lengthy absence concerns me (makes me anxious).

The past participle concerned can be followed by the prepositions for, about, over, at, by and with. One can also be concerned that something might happen.

  • The book is concerned with social issues.
  • The parents were concerned about their children’s progress at school.
  • Harold was concerned that the storm might prevent him from reaching home.

Care should be taken when using concern with the meaning “to cause anxiety or uneasiness in.” Often this usage can create ambiguity, as in the following examples:

  • Not all employees were concerned by the cutbacks in positions. [Were they not worried or not affected?]
  • The country’s deficit concerns most Canadians. [Does the deficit affect them or make them uneasy?]