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Elements of equal rank or relation in a sentence are said to be coordinate. The coordinate elements may be words or phrases in a series, or they may be entire clauses.
Items in a series may be separated by commas:
They may also be linked by coordinating conjunctions such as and or or:
Opinions differ on whether and when a comma should be inserted before the final and or or in a sequence. In keeping with the general trend toward less punctuation, the final comma is best omitted where clarity permits, unless there is a need to emphasize the last element in the series. This comma is usually omitted in the names of firms and always before an ampersand:
On the other hand, it is usually inserted if the items in the series are phrases or clauses of some length, if emphasis is desired, or if omission of the comma might lead to ambiguity or misunderstanding:
A comma is also required before etc.:
A more complex situation occurs when apposition commas are used together with coordinating commas, as illustrated below:
The sentence should be rephrased so that no non-restrictive appositive occurs within a coordinate element:
Alternatively, semicolons may be used to separate elements in a complex series:
A comma is normally used to separate two main clauses in a compound sentence when they are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, yet or for):
If the clauses are short or closely related, the commas may be omitted before and, but, or or nor:
Coordinate clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction are usually separated by a heavier mark of punctuation than the comma:
A comma will suffice, however, if the clauses are short, or if the writer wishes to emphasize a contrast or lead the reader on to the following clause as quickly as possible:
It is a common error to confuse a simple sentence having a compound predicate with a compound sentence requiring a comma between clauses. Note the difference between the following examples:
Where the clauses of a compound sentence are joined by a conjunctive adverb (such as however, instead, meanwhile, otherwise, similarly, so, still, then, therefore or yet), a semicolon is called for:
A series of adjectives modifying a noun may or may not be coordinate. The adjectives are coordinate if their order does not affect the meaning, in which case they should be separated by a comma. If they are not coordinate, that is, if one adjective modifies the phrase formed by the following adjective(s) plus the noun, then they should not be separated by a comma:
Adjectives of both types may of course occur together:
The rule stated above, however, is not an infallible guide. When in doubt omit the comma, as in:
The final adjective in the series should not be separated from the following noun by a comma:
Antithetic expressions are usually separated by a comma:
However, short expressions of this type may not require a comma:
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
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