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(A similar topic is discussed in French in the article COMMUNICATION CLAIRE : REMPLACEZ LES NOMS PAR DES VERBES.)
Here are three pitfalls to avoid if you want to make your texts easy to read and to understand.
The use of verbs as replacements for nouns helps in the development of a simple style of writing. Yikes! That sentence may be grammatically correct, but it sounds awkward and doesn’t make much sense at first glance.
That sentence is made up mostly of nouns. Count them: use, verbs, replacements, nouns, development, style and writing. That’s 7 nouns in an 18-word sentence! No wonder it’s so hard to read.
If you replace some of those nouns with verbs, the sentence automatically becomes clearer:
And you can take it one step further for an even easier read:
By drawing out the hidden verbs, you also eliminate the clusters of nouns that can make your message muddy.
For example, you can start with a sentence like this:
And turn it into something like this:
If a sentence contains a verb like be, give, have, make or take, followed by a noun, you can probably cut out those generic verbs and turn the noun into the main verb.
Here are a few noun-heavy verb phrases that you can cut down to a single verb.
Instead of | Use |
be able; have the ability | can |
conduct an analysis | analyze |
give a description | describe |
give a presentation | present |
give your authorization | authorize |
have the intention | intend; plan |
make a change | change |
make a decision | decide |
make a promise | promise |
make a recommendation | recommend |
make an attempt | attempt |
offer a suggestion | suggest |
take under consideration | consider |
If you start turning nouns into verbs, your writing will become more direct and your message clearer.
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
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