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Earth, earth

When it is mentioned together with the capitalized names of other planets or stars, Earth is generally capitalized and used without the definite article the.

  • When will the first colonists leave Earth to settle on Mars?
  • Alpha Centauri is over 4 light years away from Earth.

In other contexts, references to our planet do not require a capital.

  • The earth revolves around the sun.
  • Why on earth does she want that job?

References to the soil, adjectival uses (e.g. earth sciences) and combined forms (e.g. earthworm) also remain in lower case.

  • Kenneth enjoyed gardening because the warm earth smelled of summer.
  • Sarah is a genuine earth mother, caring for every living creature she encounters.
  • Some anglers prefer earthworms as bait; others insist on minnows.
  • Alia’s fear of flying kept her earthbound.