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euro, EUR

The euro is the currency of many European Union member countries; euro is not capitalized. The plural spelling euros is standard (except in European Union legal documents, where the official plural is euro).

  • Consumer prices were stated in euros several years before the euro coins and bills began circulating in January 2002.

If you are writing out an amount in euros, use the currency symbol or euro sign . Note that the symbol goes before the amount and that there is no space between them (e.g. 50).

  • The rent on Jose and Maria’s Spanish villa is 750 a month.

The international currency code established by the International Organization for Standardization is EUR; it is used primarily in international trade, currency listings and exchange rates. Leave a space between the currency abbreviation and the amount (e.g. EUR 51.44).

  • In November 2015, travellers could get EUR 70.53 in exchange for CAD 100 (i.e. 100 Canadian dollars).