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old, older, elder

Elder and eldest are normally reserved for people. Use elder when comparing two people and eldest when comparing three or more.

  • Lianna always admired her elder brother.
  • The eldest person attending the reunion will receive a plaque.

The title elder is often used for senior or highly respected members of a family or community.

  • Having survived years of hardship, the elders were said to be very wise.

As a title, Elder is often capitalized.

  • Although barely middle–aged, Jacob was elected to the Board of Elders of his church.
  • Sixteenth–century painters Lucas Cranach the Elder and Lucas Cranach the Younger were father and son.

Old, older and oldest refer to either people or things. Use older when comparing two people or things and oldest when comparing three or more.

  • Lianna always admired her older brother.
  • The oldest person attending the reunion will receive a plaque.
  • Houses in Halifax are older than those in Calgary.
  • In the oldest office buildings, there are very few telephone connections.