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Follow the guidelines below when deciding whether to capitalize a French word.
Capitalize the words nord, sud, est and ouest when they are included in the name of a building, geographical feature, address, region, state, territory, continent or part of a continent:
Do not capitalize these words when they represent a point of the compass, a direction or a part of a building or other entity:
Capitalize the definite article when it is part of a person’s name:
Capitalize nouns designating peoples, races and inhabitants of a particular country or region, and capitalize both parts of a compound noun used for this purpose:
Do not capitalize such words when they are used adjectivally or to refer to a language:
Capitalize the following nouns when they are part of the official name of a government body, a sector of a government department, an institution, or an international organization: Administration, Agence, Association, Banque, Bureau, Caisse, Chambre, Comité, Commission, Conseil, Cour, Direction générale, Division, Fédération, Office, Organisation, Parlement, Régie, Secrétariat, Sénat, Service, Société, Syndicat, Tribunal, Université, etc.:
Do not capitalize the word ministère in a French text, but capitalize it in an English text:
Note: If you are including the French name of an institution in an English text, do not use the French definite article (le, la, l’) unless it is part of the official name and must be retained for legal purposes:
Do not capitalize position titles unless they are being used to address a specific person:
In general, capitalize the first word and any proper noun in the title of a book, periodical, newspaper, report or article:
© Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction