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e.g., i.e.

Writers often confuse the Latin abbreviations e.g. and i.e. The guidelines below will help you to use these abbreviations correctly.


The Latin abbreviation e.g. (short for exempli gratia) means "for the sake of example," or simply "for example." It is followed by a partial list of examples.

  • If you wish to bring a domestic animal (e.g., a cat), please let us know in advance.
  • The Minister received the representatives of many African countries, e.g. [or including] Angola, Mali, Tanzania, Zaire and Zimbabwe.

In a list of examples, avoid using e.g. (or for example or including) in the same sentence with etc., since etc. would be redundant.

  • Redundant: The Minister received the representatives of many African countries, e.g. Angola, Mali, Tanzania, Zaire, Zimbabwe, etc.
  • Correct: The Minister received the representatives of many African countries, e.g. Angola, Mali, Tanzania, Zaire, Zimbabwe.


The Latin abbreviation i.e. (short for id est) means that is or that is to say and introduces a further explanation or paraphrase.

If you can substitute "that is," "in other words" or "namely," i.e. is correct.

  • If you intend to live in France, you will have to apply for a carte de séjour, i.e., a residence permit.
  • Sensitive documents (i.e. those marked Secret) must be locked up at night.
  • Carla looked at her home—i.e., [or that is to say,] her grandparents’ house—with nostalgia.
  • Many soldiers have been killed by friendly fire—i.e. [or that is,] firing by one’s own side that causes injury or death to one’s own forces or to an ally.

Typography and punctuation

These abbreviations are written in lower case, in roman (regular) type; they are not italicized.

Both abbreviations contain two periods (one after each letter):

  • e.g. (not eg.)
  • i.e. (not ie.)

When these abbreviations are not in parentheses, use a comma (or another mark of punctuation, such as a dash) before them.

A comma is optional after these abbreviations. (Use of a comma is American style; omission of the comma is British style.)