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inter, interment, intern, internment, internship

Inter is to bury, and interment is a burial.

  • We interred the time capsule at midnight on December 31, 1999.
  • Following the funeral service, interment will be at the Forest Lawn Cemetery.

The verb intern refers to the confinement of people, as in a prison camp; being so confined is an internment.

  • Many Japanese Canadians were interned during the Second World War.
  • Miki’s grandparents were confined as children to internment camps.

An intern is a person beginning a career, often medical or academic, in a temporary, supervised position called an internship. In North America, the verb intern also has the meaning of doing an internship

  • The Department is hiring four interns for its youth program.
  • Dr. MacDonald interned at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal.