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indexes: geographical names

Alphabetize geographical names according to the main noun (Ontario, Lake; Robson, Mt.), except where the generic noun is part of the title (Lake of the Woods). Alphabetize non-English names under the article if there is one (La Prairie; La Tuque; Los Angeles), but list English names with articles under the main noun (Eastern Townships, The; Pas, The).

List items under the names most commonly or officially used or most recently adopted, with a cross-reference from the alternative or former title:

  • Dahomey. See Bénin
  • Moldavian S.S.R. See Moldova
  • Rhodesia. See Zambia; Zimbabwe

For information about the official versions of Canadian place names, see GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES: TYPES AND COMPOSITION.

The English version of a French or foreign place name should be used. When there are two non-English names for the same place, use the one more commonly found in written English, e.g. Bruges, not Brugge.

In the English-speaking world the same name is used for many geographical entities. Use modifiers in parentheses when necessary:

  • Hull (Quebec)
  • Paris (Ontario)

The same word may be listed several times:

  • Québec (city)
  • Quebec (government)
  • Quebec (province)

When listing the numbers of the pages where reference to a place is made, remember that it may also be referred to by its generic noun alone-the lake, the mountain, etc.-and that such references should be included in the index entry.