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ma’am, madam, madame

Ma’am is a short form of Madam or Madame, the polite form of address for a woman.

  • Would you like some pepper on your pasta, Madam (or Ma’am)?

Officers in the Canadian Armed Forces are addressed as Ma’am (for women) or Sir (for men).

  • "Yes, Ma’am," replied the air cadet as he hurried off to complete his assigned task.

The governor general is addressed as Madame followed by her family name.

  • Madame Clarkson will read the Speech from the Throne.

The Speaker of the House of Commons is addressed as Madam Speaker or Madame Speaker.

  • Madam (or Madame) Speaker, may I have the floor?

Other dignitaries, both Canadian and foreign, are often referred to as Madame followed by the family name.

  • Our guest tonight is the amazing fortuneteller, Madame Kachinka!