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Messrs., Mmes., Mses., Mss.

In the plural, Mr. becomes Messrs. (pronounced MESSers), and Mrs. becomes Mmes. (pronounced mayDAM). For the plural of the abbreviation Ms.,either Mses. or Mss. (both pronounced MIZZes) can be used.

With a long list of names, it is better to use the plural forms of these titles.

  • Messrs. Hamilton, Thorne, Bradley and Clarke addressed the gathering.
  • The chair introduced Mmes. Thorington, Warner, Black and Sigurdson.
  • Mses. Jacobson, Garner, Roberts and McGill founded the company.

However, with two or three names, you should simply repeat the honorific.

  • Mrs. Scarlet, Mrs. Peacock and Mrs. White were all present at the party.