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numbers: money

Sums of money are usually expressed in numerals, except when they refer to round or indefinite amounts or are used in a formal or legal context:

  • $5.98/m²
  • a fare of 75¢


  • a few thousand dollars
  • a twenty-dollar bill
  • Payments shall be made in equal instalments of two hundred and thirty dollars per month.

Use the following forms:

  • 65¢ or $0.65 or 65 cents (not $.65 or .65¢)
  • two million dollars or $2 million or $2,000,000
  • a two-million dollar loan
  • $100 (not $100.00, when standing alone, or $100.)
  • five dollars or $5 (not 5 dollars)
  • $5 worth or five dollars’ worth

The abbreviations B for billion, M for million and K for thousand are often encountered, especially in newspaper headlines. Avoid them in formal writing. Note that there is no space between the numeral and the letter:

  • Foreign aid reduced by $5B in budget

When dollar amounts are used with SI symbols, the following forms are required:

  • $11.50/m² (not $11.50/square metre)
  • $3.99kg (not 3.99/kilogram or $3.99/kilo)
  • 98¢/L (not 98¢ per litre)

Place the dollar sign before the numeral in question.