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The spellings per cent and percent are both correct. The two-word spelling is more common in Canada and Britain, while the one-word spelling is preferred in the United States.
As a rule, you should use the per cent sign only with figures. Leave no space between the figure and the sign:
If you write out a number in full, use the term per cent (or percent):
The sign should be restricted to tables, forms, and technical or statistical texts or other documents where figures are abundant (e.g. "29% of voters"). In general texts, the term is usually written in full (e.g. "29 per cent"), except when used adjectivally:
In a range or series of percentages, repeat the per cent sign after each number:
However, when using the term per cent (or percent), do not repeat it after each number. Write it out just once after the last figure:
As a modifier, per cent may be hyphenated with the preceding word; however, the hyphen is not required and is often omitted:
If no figure is mentioned, use percentage, not per cent:
The nouns per cent and percentage take either a singular or a plural verb, depending on the noun to which they refer (found in the prepositional phrase that follows them):
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction