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Parentheses, or round brackets, are used to enclose additional information serving to explain, amplify or provide comments on adjacent material.
Commas and dashes are also used for this purpose; however, parentheses are generally used for words that are less closely related to the rest of the sentence than material which would be set off by dashes or commas.
Parentheses are also more convenient for parenthetic elements which run to some length or contain internal punctuation, although it is best to avoid lengthy parentheses wherever possible.
Parentheses may save the writer from other punctuation problems, such as the confusion created when apposition commas and enumeration commas appear together, as illustrated below:
A parenthesis consisting of a complete sentence does not take an initial capital and final period unless it stands alone between complete sentences:
An opening parenthesis should not be preceded by any other mark of punctuation unless the parentheses are being used to enclose numbers or letters of enumeration (see Letters and numerals below):
After the closing parenthesis, any punctuation which would be appropriate in the absence of the parenthesis should still be used:
Before a closing parenthesis, only a period, question mark, exclamation mark or quotation mark is permitted:
Parentheses de-emphasize the words they contain, which often take the form of an afterthought or aside:
An important afterthought, however, should be preceded by a dash or other mark of punctuation:
In transcripts, use parentheses to enclose information on one of the speakers:
Parentheses should not alter the flow of the sentence in which they are inserted; the rest of the sentence should make sense if the parenthetic element is removed. The following is incorrect:
If you cannot avoid placing parenthetic material within other parenthetic material, use square brackets within the round brackets, or use a combination of parentheses and em dashes:
In legal texts, parentheses are used to enclose numerals previously written out:
Individual letters or groups of letters may be enclosed within parentheses:
Numerals or letters of enumeration may be enclosed in parentheses (or be followed by a period):
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction