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Pronouns have to agree in number with the words they refer to (called their antecedents). That is, a pronoun must be singular when its antecedent is singular, and plural when its antecedent is plural.
However, when the antecedent is an indefinite pronoun, special problems can arise. Follow the guidelines below to make a pronoun agree with an indefinite pronoun antecedent.
Certain indefinite pronouns (e.g. anything, each, everyone, other) are always singular. They are also usually inclusive—that is, they refer to both males and females. When these singular pronouns are used as inclusive antecedents, the pronouns referring to them must be both singular and inclusive:
Note: In speech and informal writing, to avoid he or she and its variations, people often use the inclusive plural pronoun they or one of its forms with a singular antecedent:
In formal writing, this solution is not yet widely accepted and should be avoided.
When plural indefinite pronouns (e.g. both, few, many, several) are used as antecedents, the pronouns referring to them must be plural:
Some indefinite pronouns (e.g. all, most, none, some) can be either singular or plural. Usually, these pronouns are followed by a prepositional phrase containing the noun to which they refer. To figure out whether the indefinite pronoun antecedent is singular or plural, look at the noun in the phrase:
Note: In the examples above, the pronoun none means "not any." This pronoun can also be used with the singular meaning "not a single one." Writers who want to emphasize this singular meaning can choose the pronoun his or her even when none is followed by a plural noun:
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
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