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Use the run-in format when the quoted matter is not more than fifty words or five lines long (longer quotations should be set in block format):
The quotation remains within the body of the paragraph.
Because the run-in format does not require indentation, the writer enjoys some latitude in positioning the clause or phrase that introduces the quotation, also called the annunciatory element.
Note that when a quotation is interrupted by other matter, the quotation marks are repeated before and after each part of the quotation:
If you decide to insert the annunciatory clause between two items that were separate sentences in the original or have become separate sentences in the quotation, capitalize the first word of the second sentence, i.e. of the second part of the quotation:
Note that in the second example the annunciatory clause ends with a period and not a comma.
When a quotation within a sentence is preceded by that, do not capitalize the first word (unless it is a proper noun or adjective):
If you are using the run-in format to quote two or more consecutive paragraphs from the same source, place quotation marks at the beginning of each paragraph and at the end of the last:
"Stewardship of oceans and coastal resources is a responsibility that must be shared by all levels of government, business, unions and other interested parties.
"Sustainable development requires decision making that is open, transparent and based on sound environmental management principles. It must apply multidisciplinary approaches and integrate economic, environmental and social considerations."
Similarly, material quoted from a letter should carry quotation marks before the first line (usually the salutation) and after the last line (usually the signature), as well as at the beginning of each new paragraph.
However, block quotations would be more appropriate in such cases.
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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
Un produit du Bureau de la traduction