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Another way of reproducing someone else’s words without repeating them exactly is through indirect or reported speech.
In indirect speech, no quotation marks are used. Instead, the quotation is introduced with the word that. By using a reporting verb (said, stated, exclaimed, declared, etc.) and shifting tenses as required, you can integrate the original speaker’s statement grammatically into the new sentence:
In indirect speech, adverbs and adjectives expressing nearness in place or time (here, this, now, next, etc.) become the corresponding adverbs or adjectives of remoteness (there, that, then, the following, etc.)
In the above example, the verb in the subordinate clause shifts from the present tense of direct speech (are) to the past tense (were) in keeping with the rules of tense sequence.
Likewise, a verb that was in the future tense in direct speech often takes the conditional form in indirect speech.
However, if the actions or situations referred to are still current or future at the time of quotation, the present and future tenses are retained and demonstratives are not changed:
The examples below show the changes to be made in verb tenses (along with pronouns and modifiers) when direct speech is converted to indirect speech:
Alternatively, a blend of direct and indirect speech may be preferred when a particular part of the original statement is to be highlighted:
In the blended sentence, because the verb (were) in the first subordinate clause is in the past tense, the tense of the verb within the direct quotation must be changed from are becoming to were becoming, for consistency. But because the speaker did not actually use the past tense, the editorial change to the verb in the direct quotation has to be indicated by means of square brackets.
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Outils d'aide à la rédaction – Writing Tips
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