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revision: sequence of steps

The steps involved in revision will vary according to individual preference and working conditions. If time is limited, it is important to decide which features of the text should be given priority—style, usage and overall format, or just spelling and grammar.

The following sequence is designed to ensure that the process is carried out in a logical, thorough manner. One or more steps may be combined in order to expedite matters, and you may want to take a second look at certain problems or pages requiring further revision or research (see REVISION CHECKLIST). But keep in mind that the most effective approach is to check for one broad category of error at a time.

The revision steps are as follows:

a) Content check

b) Style and usage

c) Uniform vocabulary

d) Elimination of stereotyping

e) Names and titles; geographical names; addresses

f) Spelling; punctuation; hyphenation and compounding; abbreviations; numerical expressions; grammar

g) Reference notes

h) Format

i) Research problems noted during steps (a) to (h)

j) Final check: reread for uniformity and completeness