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reference notes: periodicals (articles)

Periodicals are publications that appear periodically, on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly). They include scholarly journals, newspapers and magazines.


Information in a note reference to an article from a specialized periodical or journal should include the name of the author(s), the title of the article, the name of the periodical or journal, the volume and issue numbers, the date and the page number(s):

  • 2. George E. Wilson, "New Brunswick’s Entrance into Confederation," Canadian Historical Review 10, 1 (March 1928): 23_24.
  • 7. Laura Lush, "Fishing," Antigonish Review 68 (fall 1990), pp. 111–2.

Note that the abbreviation p. or pp. may be omitted if a colon is used after the parentheses enclosing the date. However, if you use a comma instead of a colon, include the abbreviation p. or pp.

Newspapers and magazines

References to newspapers and magazines require the name of the writer, article title, name of the publication, date of issue and page number. Give the name of a newspaper as it appears on the masthead:

  • 1. Charles Gordon, "Hats Off to Observers Who Can Interpret the Important Events of Our Era," The Ottawa Citizen, June 21, 1995, p. 4.

If the city is not identified as part of the newspaper’s name, give it in square brackets after the name.

  • 5. Arron Pickard, “$400K to Navigate Mental Health Care,” Northern Life [Sudbury], April 5, 2016, p. 3.