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there, their, they’re

(A similar topic is discussed in French in the article LEUR/LEURS.)

Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings. The words there, their, and they’re are homonyms.

Use there

  • as an introductory subject
    • There is no easy solution.
  • as an interjection
    • There, now I’m done.
  • as an adverb meaning "in that location"
    • We’ll be there tomorrow.
  • as a noun meaning "that place"
    • From there, we flew to Paris.

Tip: To choose the right spelling for a location, remember that the word here is contained in the word there.

Use their

  • as a possessive meaning "belonging to them"
    • Their furniture is built to last.
  • Tip: If you can substitute our, the word their is correct:
    • Their (Our) demands are clear.

Use they’re

  • as a contraction of they are
    • They’re having a winning streak.
  • Tip: If you can substitute they are, use they’re:
    • The pundits think they’re (or they are) right, but we know they’re wrong.