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Victoria, Victorian, City of Gardens

The city of Victoria, located on Vancouver Island, is the capital city of British Columbia. City of Gardens is the nickname for this city.

  • Regardless of the season, the City of Gardens makes the trip to Vancouver Island worthwhile.

A native or resident of Victoria is called a Victorian. While this demonym is found in newspapers and magazines, it is often replaced in more formal writing by native, resident or inhabitant of Victoria, or some similar phrase.

  • Victorians (or Victoria residents) take full advantage of their mild climate.

Victoria is commonly used as a modifier referring to the city, as is the adjective Victorian.

  • The rhododendrons in Victoria (or Victorian) parks bloom magnificently in June.

However, since the term Victorian more often describes styles or objects from the reign of Queen Victoria, for clarity, it may be preferable to use the modifier Victoria for buildings or landmarks that are located in the city of Victoria but do not actually date back to the 19th century.

  • The Union Club is a Victorian landmark. (It dates back to the time of Queen Victoria.)
  • The Mungo Martin House is a Victoria landmark. (It is located in Victoria.)