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The word ending ‑vore comes from the Latin word vorare, which means "to eat, to devour." English contains many words ending in ‑vore to describe consumers of specific foods.

  • carnivore: an animal that eats mainly or only meat. [Latin carnis (meat) + ‑vore]
  • folivore: an animal that eats mainly leaves. [Latin folium (leaf) + ‑vore]
  • frugivore: an animal that eats mainly fruits. [Latin fructus (fruit) + ‑vore]
  • granivore: an animal that eats seeds and grains. [Latin granum (grain) + ‑vore]
  • herbivore: an animal that eats plant-based foods. [Latin herba (small plant) + ‑vore]
  • insectivore: an animal that eats mainly insects. [Latin insectum (insect) + ‑vore]
  • locavore: a person who eats only food that is locally grown or raised. [local + ‑vore]
  • omnivore: an animal that eats both plants and animals. [Latin omnis (all) + ‑vore]
  • photovore: a solar-powered robot that "feeds" on light. [Greek phos, photos (light) + ‑vore]
  • piscivore: an animal that eats mainly fish. [Latin piscis (fish) + ‑vore]
  • planktivore: an animal that feeds mainly on plankton. [plankton + ‑vore]