Accessibility glossary
By the Translation Bureau
Find the English and French equivalents to 342 concepts on accessibility.
About this glossary
In June 2019, the Government of Canada gave assent to the Accessible Canada Act. This legislation demonstrates the Government of Canada's commitment to build a country where the entire Canadian population can participate fully in society without barriers. There has been much work in recent years to make the public service of Canada more diverse and inclusive. As a result, the Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada was established in May 2019 by the Office of Public Service Accessibility.
In order to harmonize its content with the changing terminological usage and preferences of the key stakeholders, the Accessibility glossary, originally published in March 2019, has been updated based on the terminology found in key documents related to accessibility in the public service. The glossary contains 342 concepts in the fields of accessibility, sociology of work and technical aids for persons with disabilities. It is an indispensable tool for translators, the wider public service and the general public.
Date posted: December 2020
Browsing the glossary alphabetically
Select a letter to browse the glossary alphabetically. Next, click on a designation to consult its French equivalent and other terminological information (which may vary from one entry to another) that includes other designations, definitions, notes and usage examples.
- The numbers in square brackets "[ ]" that follow a designation indicate that there are different meanings for this designation.
- Parts of speech, gender and number (for example, noun, verb, adjective, plural and in French, "nom," "nom masculin," "nom féminin," "nom pluriel," "nom masculin pluriel," "nom féminin pluriel," "adjectif," "adjectif masculin," "adjectif féminin," "verbe") refer to the entire designation.
- Search tip: If you do not find the term you are looking for alphabetically, you may select the "Show all" button then press simultaneously on the "Ctrl" + "F" keys of your keyboard. This will allow you to type the term in your browser's "Search" window. Unfortunately, this tip does not work on all devices.
Navigation menu providing access to the glossary terms, arranged in alphabetical order.
- - glossary – letter A
- - glossary – letter B
- - glossary – letter C
- - glossary – letter D
- - glossary – letter E
- - glossary – letter F
- - glossary – letter G
- - glossary – letter H
- - glossary – letter I
- - glossary – letter L
- - glossary – letter M
- - glossary – letter N
- - glossary – letter O
- - glossary – letter P
- - glossary – letter R
- - glossary – letter S
- - glossary – letter T
- - glossary – letter U
- - glossary – letter V
- - glossary – letter W
- Glossary - letter A
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A place that is easily reached, an environment that is easily navigated or a program or service that can easily be obtained. |
Lieu où l'on peut se rendre facilement, environnement où l'on s'oriente facilement ou programme ou service facile à obtenir. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The combination of aspects that influence a person's ability to function within an environment. |
Ensemble d'aspects qui peuvent influencer la capacité d'une personne à fonctionner dans un environnement. |
Accessibility, Accommodations and Adaptive Computer Technology Program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes |
Shared Services Canada. |
Services partagés Canada. |
accessibility and inclusion lens
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A mechanism by which programs and services can be assessed to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access to and equitable inclusion in programs and services. |
Mécanisme d'évaluation des programmes et des services afin d'assurer une égalité d'accès et une inclusion équitable des personnes vivant avec un handicap aux programmes et aux services. |
accessibility awareness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Accessibility Centre of Excellence
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Employment and Social Development Canada's Accessibility Centre of Excellence supports employees and managers in accessibility-related matters. It raises awareness and provides training on accommodation responsibilities. |
Le Centre d'excellence en accessibilité d'Emploi et Développement social Canada appuie les employés et les gestionnaires en matière d'accessibilité. Il fait de la sensibilisation et offre de la formation au sujet des responsabilités en matière d'adaptation. |
accessibility checklist for planners
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Accessibility Commissioner
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The Accessibility Commissioner, appointed by the Governor in Council, reports to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion. The Commissioner is responsible for compliance and enforcement activities as well as handling complaints for all other activities and sectors under federal jurisdiction. |
Le commissaire à l'accessibilité est nommé par le gouverneur en conseil et relève de la ministre de l'Emploi, du Développement de la main-d'œuvre et de l'Inclusion des personnes handicapées. Le commissaire est responsable des activités de conformité et d'application de la loi, ainsi que du règlement des plaintes portant sur tout autre secteur ou activité de compétence fédérale. |
Accessibility Committee
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Public Services and Procurement Canada. |
Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. |
accessibility complaint
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility issue
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility legislation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility level
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
Accessibility Office
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The Accessibility Office oversees Public Services and Procurement Canada's efforts to strengthen accessibility and inclusion by removing barriers to full participation in the way it works and in the services it provides. |
Le Bureau de l'accessibilité supervise les efforts que Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada déploie pour renforcer l'accessibilité et l'inclusion en éliminant les obstacles à une pleine participation dans ses méthodes de travail et dans la prestation de ses services. |
accessibility plan
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility regulations
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility requirement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility standard
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility strategy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessibility supported technology
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Technology supported by users' assistive technologies as well as the accessibility features in operating systems, browsers and other user agents. |
Technologie qui fonctionne avec les technologies d'assistance et les fonctionnalités d'accessibilité des systèmes d'exploitation, des navigateurs ainsi que d'autres agents utilisateurs. |
Accessibility Unit
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The Accessibility Unit is comprised of employees of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and it supports the Accessibility Commissioner in the exercise of their powers and the performance of their duties and functions under the Accessible Canada Act. |
L'Unité sur l'accessibilité est composée de personnel de la Commission canadienne des droits de la personne et soutient le commissaire à l'accessibilité dans l'exercice des attributions qui lui sont conférées par la Loi canadienne sur l'accessibilité. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
Referring to a place that is easily reached, an environment that is easily navigated or a program or service that can easily be obtained. |
Se dit d'un lieu où l'on peut se rendre facilement, d'un environnement où l'on s'oriente facilement ou d'un programme ou d'un service facile à obtenir. |
Examples |
accessible accommodation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessible and inclusive communication
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Accessible Canada Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
accessible customer service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessible design
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessible facility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessible format
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Accessible formats are, for example, large print, recorded audio and electronic formats and other formats usable by persons with disabilities. |
Les formats accessibles sont, par exemple, de gros caractères, des formats électroniques et audio enregistrés et d'autres formats utilisables par des personnes vivant avec un handicap. |
accessible means of transport
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessible meeting
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
An accessible meeting should take into consideration accessibility requirements in order to allow everyone to participate, including persons with disabilities. |
Une réunion accessible est planifiée en tenant compte des critères en matière d'accessibilité afin de permettre à tous d'y participer, y compris les personnes vivant avec un handicap. |
accessible parking
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessible procurement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Accessible procurement involves determining what is required for a product or service to be accessible and finding ways to meet those requirements. |
L'approvisionnement accessible permet de déterminer ce qui est nécessaire pour qu'un produit ou un service soit accessible et de prendre les moyens requis pour répondre à ces exigences. |
Accessible Procurement Toolkit
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Industry Canada's Accessible Procurement Toolkit includes specifications for installing telecommunication equipment in office settings based on section 508 of the American Rehabilitation Act. |
La Boîte à outils pour l'approvisionnement accessible d'Industrie Canada fait état des spécifications relatives à l'installation des matériels de télécommunications dans les bureaux en fonction de l'article 508 de la Rehabilitation Act des États-Unis. |
accessible staffing
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Accessible staffing must comply with accessibility standards and requirements to support employee recruitment and accommodations. |
La dotation accessible doit respecter les normes et les exigences d'accessibilité pour soutenir le recrutement et les mesures d'adaptation des employés. |
accessible training
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A training session that complies with individual accommodation needs and that includes adaptive resources. |
Séance d'apprentissage qui respecte les besoins individuels en matière d'adaptation et qui comprend des ressources adaptées. |
accessible website
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A website that follows Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and that allows persons with disabilities to use assistive technologies, including text-to-speech software, to enable and assist with web browsing. |
Site Web qui respecte les Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web et qui permet aux personnes vivant avec un handicap d'utiliser les technologies d'assistance, y compris un logiciel de conversion de texte en parole afin de leur permettre de naviguer sur le Web. |
Examples |
accessible workplace [1]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accessible workplace [2]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
access ramp
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
access standard
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
The personalized adaptation of a workplace to overcome the barriers faced by persons with disabilities. |
Modification personnalisée apportée à un lieu de travail afin de permettre aux personnes vivant avec un handicap de surmonter les obstacles auxquels elles font face. |
accommodation information
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accommodation need
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accommodation plan
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
accommodation request
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
activity limitation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A difficulty encountered by a person in carrying out a task or action. |
Difficulté rencontrée par une personne dans l'exécution d'une tâche ou d'une action. |
adaptive computer technology
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
adaptive desktop
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
adaptive device
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
adaptive keyboard
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
adaptive mouse
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
adaptive pointing device
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
adaptive technology
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
adjustable reading table
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
alternate version
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
alternative format
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
American Sign Language
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
amplified handset
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
amplified telephone
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
architectural accommodation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
architectural barrier
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
assistive device
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
assistive listening device
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
assistive listening system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
assistive technology
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Association of Federal Public Servants with Vision Impairments
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
attendant service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A service for employees with disabilities who require assistance with the duties of their position, as well as assistance with the activities of everyday living during the employee's hours of work. |
Service pour les employés vivant avec un handicap ayant besoin de soutien pour effectuer les tâches relatives à leur poste et pour mener certaines activités quotidiennes au cours des heures de travail. |
attitudinal barrier
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A behaviourist difficulty based on individual beliefs, knowledge, experience and education. |
Difficulté d'ordre comportementaliste fondée sur les croyances, les connaissances, les expériences et les formations individuelles. |
audio description
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
auditory signage
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
auditory signal
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
automatic door
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter B
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal obstacle, based on information or communications or resulting from a policy or a practice, that hinders the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in society. |
Élément de nature physique, architecturale, technologique ou comportementale, basé sur des informations ou des communications, ou résultant d'une politique ou d'une pratique, qui nuit à la participation pleine et égale dans la société des personnes vivant avec un handicap. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Definitions |
Designed or planned to give access to persons with disabilities. |
Conçu ou planifié en vue de donner l'accès aux personnes vivant avec un handicap. |
barrier-free government
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
barrier-free workplace [1]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
barrier-free workplace [2]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
barrier identification
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
barrier removal
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
barrier to accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
braille cell
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
braille display
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
An apparatus placed in front of a regular keyboard that displays braille text units on a 40 or 80-character grid. |
Appareil placé à l'avant d'un clavier ordinaire qui permet l'affichage d'unités de texte en braille sur une grille de 40 ou 80 caractères. |
Examples |
braille indicator knob
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
braille keyboard
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
braille writing
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Broadcasting Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
built-in accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter C
Canada Transportation Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Board Diversity Council
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Notes |
The Canadian Board Diversity Council is the leading Canadian organization advancing diversity on Canada's boards through research, network building, board training and best practice education. |
Le Canadian Board Diversity Council est l'organisme chef de file en matière de promotion de la diversité dans les conseils d'administration canadiens par l'entremise de la recherche, d'établissement de réseaux, de la formation et d'éducation en matière de pratiques exemplaires. |
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Human Rights Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Transportation Agency
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Captions convey not only the content of spoken dialogue, but also equivalents for non-dialogue audio information needed to understand the program content, including sound effects, music, laughter and speaker identification and location. |
Les sous-titres ne communiquent pas seulement le contenu des dialogues parlés, mais aussi des équivalents pour les informations audio autres que le dialogue et qui sont nécessaires à la compréhension du contenu du programme, y compris les effets sonores, la musique, les rires et l'identification et le positionnement des interlocuteurs. |
captioned telephone
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Chief Accessibility Officer
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The Chief Accessibility Officer is responsible for monitoring and reporting to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion on the implementation of the Accessible Canada Act across all sectors. The Officer is also responsible for reporting and providing advice to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion on emerging and systemic issues. |
Le dirigeant principal de l'accessibilité est responsable de la surveillance de la mise en œuvre de la Loi canadienne sur l'accessibilité dans tous les secteurs, ainsi que de l'établissement des rapports destinés à la ministre de l'Emploi, du Développement de la main-d'œuvre et de l'Inclusion des personnes handicapées. Il doit également lui présenter des avis concernant les enjeux nouveaux et systémiques, et produire les rapports connexes. |
chronic illness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
chronic injury
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
clear and accessible communication
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
closed caption
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
closed captioning
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
cognitive limitation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
common look and feel for the Internet
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
communication access realtime translation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
communication board
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
communication strategy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
compliance agreement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
compliance audit
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
compliance order
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
comprehensive workplace health and safety program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
computerized note-taking
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
conforming alternate version
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
corrective measures
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
culture transformation measures
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
curb cut
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A lowered curb level to allow pedestrians to move easily from sidewalk to street. |
Abaissement du niveau du trottoir permettant aux piétons de passer facilement du trottoir à la rue. |
- Glossary - letter D
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
deafened person
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
described video
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
digital inclusion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Digital inclusion refers to the activities needed to ensure that all individuals have access to and use of information and communication technologies. |
L'inclusion numérique désigne les activités nécessaires afin de s'assurer que toutes les personnes aient accès aux technologies de l'information et des communications et soient en mesure de les utiliser. |
digital workspace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
A physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, sensory, learning or communication impairment, or a functional limitation, whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that hinders a person's full and equal participation in society when facing a barrier. |
Déficience physique, mentale, intellectuelle, cognitive ou sensorielle, trouble d'apprentissage ou de la communication, ou limitation fonctionnelle, de nature permanente, temporaire ou épisodique, manifeste ou non, qui nuit à la participation pleine et égale d'une personne dans la société lorsqu'elle fait face à un obstacle. |
disabling health event
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
duty to accommodate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
- Glossary - letter E
electronic teletypewriter
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Employee Advisory Committee on Accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The purpose of the advisory committee is to share thoughts on how Public Services and Procurement Canada can remove barriers for departmental employees and how it can support an accessible and inclusive workplace. |
Comité consultatif qui a pour objectif de faire connaître les observations sur la façon dont Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada peut éliminer les obstacles que rencontrent les employés du ministère, et la façon dont il peut favoriser un milieu de travail accessible et inclusif. |
employee assistance program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Employment Equity Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Employment Equity and Diversity Policy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
enforcement officer
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
episodic disability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
equal opportunity
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
ergonomic assessment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
ergonomic solution
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
evacuation need
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
extended audio description
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter F
fair hiring practice
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
fair wage
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Federal Accessibility Strategy Action Plan
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The Federal Accessibility Strategy Action Plan proposes that accessibility be at the core of career management for persons with disabilities by default. The action plan provides that supportive considerations are built in at the initial design stages and on entry into the public service and that each employee who has disabilities is to have an individual accommodation plan. |
Le Plan d'action pour la stratégie fédérale relative à l'accessibilité propose que l'accessibilité par défaut soit au cœur de la gestion de carrière des personnes vivant avec un handicap. Le plan d'action prévoit des mesures de soutien intégrées aux étapes de la conception initiale et de l'entrée dans la fonction publique, ainsi qu'un plan d'adaptation individuel à chaque employé vivant avec un handicap. |
Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Federal Public Service Job Accommodation Network for Employees with Disabilities
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The Federal Public Service Job Accommodation Network for Employees with Disabilities facilitates access to advice, policy information, relevant accommodation programs and services for managers, employees with disabilities and public service employees in general. |
Le Réseau d'aménagements pour les employés handicapés de la fonction publique fédérale aide les gestionnaires, les employés vivant avec un handicap et l'ensemble des employés de la fonction publique à obtenir des conseils et des renseignements sur les politiques en matière d'adaptation et à se prévaloir des programmes et des services afférents. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
feedback process
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
file a complaint
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
fitness to work
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
fit to work
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
fit to work assessment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
frequency modulation system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
An assistive listening device for hard-of-hearing persons that transmits sound picked up from a microphone on an FM radio frequency. |
Dispositif technique pour personnes malentendantes qui transmet le son capté à l'aide d'un microphone sur des radiofréquences FM. |
functional capability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
functional evaluation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
functional impairment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
functional limitation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The designation "functional limitation" is mainly used in the fields of occupational health and safety and insurance. |
La désignation « limitation fonctionnelle » s'emploie plutôt dans les domaines de la santé et sécurité au travail et de l'assurance. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Functioning encompasses body functions, activities and participation in all aspects of society. |
Le fonctionnement se rapporte aux fonctions organiques, aux activités de la personne et à la participation au sein de la société. |
- Glossary - letter G
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
guide dog
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter H
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
hearing aid
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
hearing dog
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
hearing impairment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter I
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
Any loss, malformation or abnormality of a psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function due to observable and measurable medical conditions that can be diagnosed. |
Perte, malformation ou anomalie d'une structure ou d'une fonction mentale, psychologique ou anatomique résultant d'un état pathologique observable, mesurable et pouvant faire l'objet d'un diagnostic. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
The act of recognizing, valuing and building on differences in identity, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, skills, experiences and perspectives while respecting human rights. |
Fait de reconnaître, de valoriser et de mettre à contribution les différences sur le plan de l'identité, des habiletés, des antécédents, des cultures, des aptitudes, des expériences et des points de vue dans le respect des droits de la personne. |
inclusive, accessible and respectful workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
inclusive conference
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
inclusive design
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Inclusive Design Institute
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Part of the Ontario College of Art & Design University, the Inclusive Design Institute is Canada's first research hub focused on digital inclusion. |
Composante de l'Université de l'École d'art et de design de l'Ontario, l'Inclusive Design Institute est le premier centre de recherche canadien qui se concentre sur l'inclusion numérique. |
Inclusive Design Research Centre
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
A research and development centre of the Ontario College of Art & Design University. |
Centre de recherche et de développement de l'Université de l'École d'art et de design de l'Ontario. |
inclusive leadership
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Definitions |
The ability of an individual to be aware of their own biases and preferences and to consider different views and perspectives to make better decisions. |
Capacité d'une personne à reconnaître ses préjugés et ses préférences et à tenir compte de différentes opinions afin de prendre des décisions plus éclairées. |
inclusive meeting
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The designation "inclusiveness" has a passive connotation meaning that although no effort is being put toward inclusion, no member of society is being specifically excluded. Not to be confused with "inclusivity," which means proactively planning for and seeking the inclusion of marginalized or minority groups. |
La désignation « caractère inclusif » a une connotation passive en ce sens que bien qu'aucun effort ne soit déployé pour assurer l'inclusion, aucun membre de la société n'est exclu. Ne pas confondre avec la désignation « inclusivité », qui désigne le fait de prévoir l'inclusion des groupes marginalisés ou minoritaires. |
inclusive nomination
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
inclusive practice
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
inclusive workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The designation "inclusivity" means proactively planning for and seeking the inclusion of marginalized or minority groups. Not to be confused with "inclusiveness," which has a passive connotation meaning that although no effort is being put toward inclusion, no member of society is being specifically excluded. |
La désignation « inclusivité » désigne le fait de prévoir l'inclusion des groupes marginalisés ou minoritaires. Ne pas confondre avec la désignation « caractère inclusif », qui a une connotation passive en ce sens que bien qu'aucun effort ne soit déployé pour assurer l'inclusion, aucun membre de la société n'est exclu. |
individual accommodation plan
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The individual accommodation plan is transferable with the employee throughout their career, whether it is a lateral movement or promotion, within a department or to another department. Transferability eliminates the need for repeated reassessments and renegotiations for support to best perform the job. |
Le plan d'adaptation individuel suit l'employé tout au long de sa carrière, lors d'une mutation latérale ou d'une promotion, au sein d'un même ministère ou non. La transférabilité élimine la nécessité de répéter les évaluations et les négociations visant à obtenir du soutien pour bien accomplir le travail. |
infrared hearing system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
inherent dignity
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Inuit sign language
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
investigate a complaint
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
invisible disability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
- Glossary - letter L
language disorder
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
langue des signes québécoise
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
large print
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
Print that is larger than regular text so as to make it easier to read, especially for visually impaired individuals. |
Ensemble de caractères qui est plus gros que du texte ordinaire, ce qui rend la lecture plus facile, tout particulièrement pour les personnes ayant une déficience visuelle. |
Notes |
Large print is usually 14 to 18 points or larger. |
Les gros caractères sont généralement de 14 à 18 points ou même plus grands. |
learning disability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Notes |
Although there is a distinction between "disability" and "disorder," both designations are used interchangeably in this context. |
n/a |
learning obstacle
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
limited dexterity
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
limited movement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
lip reading
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
low-vision aid
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter M
magnetic system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A system composed of a telecoil that emits a magnetic field that can be captured by a hearing aid or a special receiver. |
Système d'aide à l'audition composé d'une boucle d'induction qui émet un champ magnétique pouvant être capté par une prothèse auditive ou par un récepteur spécial. |
magnified content
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
medical certificate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
medical employment limitation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health issue
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental illness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Title effective November 20, 2019. At the time of writing this publication, accessibility matters were under the responsibility of the Minister of Sports and Persons with Disabilities. |
Titre en vigueur le 20 novembre 2019. Au moment de rédiger cette publication, les questions relatives à l'accessibilité relevaient du ministre des Sports et des Personnes handicapées. |
Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Title in effect until November 20, 2019. |
Titre en vigueur jusqu'au 20 novembre 2019. |
mobility aid
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mobility impaired person
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
motor disability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Notes |
Although there is a distinction between "disability" and "disorder," both designations are used interchangeably in this context. |
n/a |
mouth keyboard
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
musculoskeletal disorder
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter N
National AccessAbility Week
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
National AccessAbility Week falls under the responsibility of Employment and Social Development Canada. |
La Semaine nationale de l'accessibilité relève d'Emploi et Développement social Canada. |
nonspeech communication
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Nothing Without Us
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
A guiding principle used across the Government of Canada to communicate the message that no policy should be decided by a representative without the full and direct participation of the members of the group affected by that policy. |
Principe directeur utilisé à l'échelle du gouvernement du Canada pour communiquer le message selon lequel aucune politique ne devrait être décidée par un représentant sans la participation pleine et directe des membres du groupe concerné par cette politique. |
- Glossary - letter O
occupational health and safety
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
occupational illness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
occupational injury
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
occupational requirement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Office for Disability Issues
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Office of Public Service Accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. |
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. |
open and unhindered access
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
open caption
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
open captioning
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
optical character reader
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
An input unit that reads characters using optical character recognition. |
Unité d'entrée qui lit des caractères par reconnaissance optique de caractères. |
optical character recognition
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
Character recognition that uses optical means to identify graphic characters. |
Reconnaissance de caractères employant un procédé optique pour identifier des caractères graphiques. |
optical pointer
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
oral interpreter
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary - letter P
participant funding program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
participation restriction
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A problem that prevents an individual from fully engaging in everyday situations. |
Problème empêchant une personne de s'engager pleinement dans les situations de la vie courante. |
perceptual discrimination
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
perceptual matching
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
person-centred approach
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
person with disabilities
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
A person with a partial or full reduction in the ability to perform an activity in a manner or within the range considered normal because of an impairment. |
Personne ayant une réduction partielle ou totale de la capacité d'accomplir une activité d'une façon normale ou dans les limites considérées comme normales à cause d'une déficience. |
Notes | A person with disabilities is exposed to a handicap when barriers stand in the way of them achieving full autonomy and there aren't enough resources to overcome them. The designation "handicapped person" has been replaced by "person with disabilities." |
Une personne est en situation de handicap lorsqu'elle est exposée à des barrières qui font obstacle à la réalisation de sa pleine autonomie et qu'il y a un manque de ressources pour les surmonter. La désignation « handicapé », employée seule, est à éviter pour décrire une personne vivant avec un handicap. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
physical disability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
physical harm
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
pocket talker
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Policy on the Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities in the Federal Public Service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes |
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. |
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. |
political inclusion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Political inclusion refers to the right of all individuals to political participation and representation on an equal basis with others. |
L'inclusion politique correspond au droit à la participation et à la représentation politique de toute personne sur une base d'égalité avec les autres. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
prerecorded audio description
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
prevention of new barriers
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
proactive compliance activity
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
procurement officer for accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Each federal department has a procurement officer for accessibility that reports to the deputy head, understands the procurement process, safeguards accessibility and accommodation resources, performs procurement for accommodation, communicates with Shared Services Canada and expedites processes. |
Chaque ministère fédéral a un agent d'approvisionnement affecté à l'accessibilité qui relève de l'administrateur général, comprend le processus d'approvisionnement, protège l'accessibilité et les ressources destinées aux mesures d'adaptation, effectue les approvisionnements relatifs aux mesures d'adaptation, communique avec Services partagés Canada et accélère les processus. |
programmatically set
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Set by software using methods that are supported by user agents, including assistive technologies. |
Défini par un logiciel utilisant des méthodes qui fonctionnent avec les agents utilisateurs, y compris les technologies d'assistance. |
progressive disability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychological harm
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychosocial workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter R
realtime captioning
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
reasonable accommodation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
remote keyboard
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
remote mouse
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
residual hearing
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
residual vision
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
respectful workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
return-to-work assistance
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
return-to-work meeting
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter S
screen magnification software
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
screen reading software
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
service animal
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
service dog
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
sign language
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
sign language interpretation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
sign language interpreter
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
site accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
site accessibility assessment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
social inclusion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
specialized transit
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
speech disorder
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
speech recognition software
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
speech synthesis
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
speech synthesizer
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
spread effect
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
Spread effect refers to the fact that people assume that a person's disability negatively affects other senses, abilities or personality traits, or that the whole person is impaired. |
L'effet de propagation désigne le fait que les gens présument que l'incapacité d'une personne nuit à ses autres sens, habiletés ou traits de personnalité, ou qu'elle est totalement déficiente. |
Standard on Web Accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A standard that ensures the uniform application of a high level of web accessibility across Government of Canada websites and web applications. |
Norme qui veille à l'application uniforme d'un haut niveau d'accessibilité à tous les sites Web et à toutes les applications Web du gouvernement du Canada. |
Statutory Instruments Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
support person
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
systemic barrier
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A pattern of behaviour, inherent in the policies and practices of an organization, which creates or perpetuates disadvantage for persons with disabilities. |
Modèle de comportement inhérent aux politiques et aux pratiques d'une organisation qui crée ou perpétue un désavantage pour les personnes vivant avec un handicap. |
- Glossary - letter T
tactile floor marking
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
tactile reading system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
tactile signage
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
A system of raised pictograms, lettering and dome braille that provides information for visually impaired individuals. |
Système de pictogrammes en relief, de lettrage et de braille à points arrondis, qui fournit de l'information à l'intention de personnes ayant une déficience visuelle. |
tactile sign language
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
tactile warning strip
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Definitions |
A device felt by a person's foot and designed to facilitate and secure the movement of visually impaired persons in areas with obstacles. |
Dispositif perceptible par les pieds d'une personne et conçu pour faciliter et sécuriser les déplacements des personnes ayant une déficience visuelle dans des secteurs comportant des obstacles. |
talking book
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
talking computer
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
targeted recruitment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
technical aid
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
technological accommodation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Telecommunications Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
telecommunications device for the Deaf
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
telecommunications relay service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
telecommunications service provider
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
An electronic device with a keyboard and a small screen that enables deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and hearing persons to communicate with each other using the telephone. |
Appareil électronique doté d'un clavier et d'un petit écran qui permet aux personnes sourdes, devenues sourdes, malentendantes et entendantes de communiquer entre elles par téléphone. |
temporary restriction
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
text alternative
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
text-to-speech software
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
touch screen
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
- Glossary - letter U
undue hardship
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
universal design
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
universally accessible workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
user agent
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
User agents include browsers, plug-ins for a particular media type and some assistive technologies. |
Les agents utilisateurs comprennent les navigateurs, les plugiciels pour des types de médias particuliers et quelques technologies d'assistance. |
- Glossary - letter V
video relay service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
visible disability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
visual impairment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
visual readability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
visual reading assistant
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
visual signal
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
visual signalling device
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
voice recognition
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Definitions |
Computerized authentication of a person's voice based on its distinctive features. |
Authentification informatisée de la voix d'une personne reposant sur ses traits caractéristiques. |
voice recognition system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
voice web page viewing technology
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
volunteer assistance
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary - letter W
web content
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines defines how to make web content more accessible to persons with disabilities. |
Les Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web présentent des recommandations pour rendre les contenus Web plus accessibles aux personnes vivant avec un handicap. |
website accessibility
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
workplace [1]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions |
The location at or from which an employee ordinarily works. |
Endroit habituel où l'employé exerce les fonctions de son poste. |
workplace [2]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions |
The conditions under which work is performed. |
Conditions dans lesquelles le travail est effectué. |
Workplace Accessibility Fund
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
An accessibility fund that covers accommodation expenses for individuals who are protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act and supports the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Policy on the Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities in the Federal Public Service. |
Fonds d'accessibilité qui englobe les dépenses liées aux mesures d'adaptation pour les personnes qui sont protégées en vertu de la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne et qui appuie la Politique sur l'obligation de prendre des mesures d'adaptation pour les personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique fédérale du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. |
workplace accommodation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Workplace Accommodation Guidebook
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes |
A guidebook that provides information to managers and employees on how to create and maintain an inclusive and barrier-free environment at Public Services and Procurement Canada to ensure the full participation of individuals protected under the Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, whether as candidates for employment or as employees. |
Guide qui présente des informations aux gestionnaires et aux employés sur la façon de créer et de maintenir un milieu de travail ouvert et exempt d'obstacles à Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, en vue d'assurer la pleine participation des employés protégés par la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, que ce soit en tant que candidats à l'emploi ou en tant qu'employés. |
workplace configuration
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
References are presented in the language in which they were consulted at the time the terminology bulletin was prepared. A reference available only in French or only on the Government of Canada intranet is accompanied by a notice.
The hyperlinks provided below were active when the bulletin was established. Broken links (that no longer work) have been deactivated.
- Accès Troubles de la Communication Canada. L'accessibilité inclut la communication [available in French only]. [no date] [accessed in February 2019].
- Accessible University. Defining Accessibility. [no date] [accessed in November 2018].
- AlterGo. Accessibilité universelle des événements [PDF, 928.84 KB] [available in French only]. 2013, [51 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- American Sign Language. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. February 9, 2019 [accessed in November 2018].
- Association canadienne de protection médicale. Services accessibles [in French, but also available in English]. [no date] [accessed in November 2018].
- Boutin, Mario. Un site Web accessible, ça vous tente? [PDF, 22.19 KB] [available in French only]. [no date] [5 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Caldwell, Ben et al. Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0. [in French, but also available in English]. December 11, 2008 [accessed in November 2018].
- Canadian Human Rights Commission. Accommodation Works! A user-friendly guide to working together on health issues in the workplace [PDF, 474.99 KB]. Government of Canada, [no date] [59 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Commission canadienne des droits de la personne. L'adaptation : ça se travaille! Un guide convivial pour favoriser la collaboration sur les questions de santé au travail [PDF, 521.69 KB] [in French, but also available in English]. Gouvernement du Canada, 2014, [63 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Communication Disabilities Access Canada. Good communication is good business. [no date] [accessed in February 2019].
- Conseil des bibliothèques universitaires de l'Ontario. Trousse d'information sur l'accessibilité pour les bibliothèques [PDF, 593.97 KB] [in French, but also available in English]. 2014, [103 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- D'Andrea, Teresa. Digital principles [blog]. Government of Canada. Date modified: 31 August, 2018, October 26, 2017 [accessed in November 2018].
- D'Andrea, Teresa. Principes numériques [blog] [in French, but also available in English]. Government of Canada. Date modified: 31 August, 2018, October 26, 2017 [accessed in November 2018].
- Department of Justice Canada. Accessible Canada Act. SC 2019, c. 10. Government of Canada [accessed November 25, 2020].
- Emploi et Développement social Canada. Canada accessible - Élaborer une loi fédérale sur l'accessibilité : ce que nous avons appris des Canadiens [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: December 11, 2018, gouvernement du Canada [accessed in novembre 2018].
- Emploi et Développement social Canada. Le pouvoir des mots et des images [in French, but also available in English]. Modified: May 23, 2013, gouvernement du Canada [accessed in February 2019].
- Emploi et Développement social Canada. Loi canadienne sur l'accessibilité proposée - Résumé du projet de loi [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: December 11, 2018, gouvernement du Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Employment and Social Development Canada. A Way with Words and Images. Date modified: August 5, 2013, Government of Canada [accessed in February 2019].
- Employment and Social Development Canada. Accessible Canada - Creating new federal accessibility legislation: What we learned from Canadians. Date modified: October 11, 2018, Government of Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Employment and Social Development Canada. Proposed Accessible Canada Act - Summary of the Bill. Date modified: December 11, 2018, Government of Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Fonction publique de l'Ontario. Plan pluriannuel d'accessibilité de la FPO pour 2017–2021 [in French, but also available in English]. Updated: August 17, 2018, December 22, 2016 [accessed in November 2018].
- Gouvernement de l'Ontario. Norme d'accessibilité de l'information et des communications [PDF, 306.98 KB] [in French, but also available in English]. [no date] [23 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Gouvernement du Canada. Guide de planification de rencontres et de conférences inclusives. ©2002, [25 pp.]. ISBN 0-662-66497-3.
- Government of Canada. Guide to Planning Inclusive Meetings and Conferences. ©2002, [25 pp.]. ISBN 0-662-66497-3.
- Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Handicaps, incapacités, limitation d'activités et santé fonctionnelle [PDF, 1.35 KB] [available in French only]. [no date] [20 pp.] [accessed in February 2019].
- Langue des signes américaine. Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: September 7, 2016 [accessed in November 2018].
- Langue des signes québécoise. Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: January 27, 2019 [accessed in November 2018].
- Le Phénix. Fiche info. Les mots appropriés [PDF, 222.27 KB] [available in French only]. March 2013, [2 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Le Phénix. Le Phénix : Votre expert-conseil en accessibilité [available in French only]. ©2017 [accessed in November 2018].
- Ministère de la Justice Canada. Loi canadienne sur l'accessibilité. LC 2019, ch. 10 [in French, but also available in English]. Gouvernement du Canada [accessed November 25, 2020].
- Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités. Ministère délégué à la Sécurité sociale, aux Personnes âgées, aux Personnes handicapées et à la Famille de la République française. Définition de l'accessibilité. Une démarche interministérielle [PDF, 664.18 KB] [available in French only]. September 2006, [66 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Office des personnes handicapées. Gouvernement du Québec. Information supplémentaire sur la définition de « personne handicapée » [available in French only]. Date modified: April 23, 2018 [accessed in November 2018].
- Ontario Public Service. 2017–2021 OPS Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. Date modified: August 17, 2018, December 22, 2016 [accessed in November 2018].
- Public Services and Procurement Canada. Accessibility at Public Services and Procurement Canada. Date modified: July 12, 2018, Government of Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Public Services and Procurement Canada. Workplace accommodation guidebook [intranet]. Date modified: November 23, 2018, Government of Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Resource Centers on Independent Living. Guidelines for Writing and Referring to People with Disabilities. [no date] [accessed in February 2019].
- Ruel, Julie et al. L'accessibilité à l'information comme déterminant à la participation sociale des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Validation d'une démarche de rédaction inclusive [PDF, 1007.82 KB] [available in French only]. April, 2016, [60 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. Créer une fonction publique diversifiée et inclusive : Rapport final du Groupe de travail conjoint syndical-patronal sur la diversité et l'inclusion [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: January 9, 2018, gouvernement du Canada [accessed November 25, 2020].
- Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. L'équité en emploi dans la fonction publique fédérale 2000-2001. Rapport annuel au Parlement [PDF, 1.05 MB] [in French, but also available in English]. Gouvernement du Canada, 2002, [109 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. Glossaire : Stratégie sur l'accessibilité au sein de la fonction publique du Canada [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: May 7, 2020, gouvernement du Canada [accessed November 25, 2020].
- Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. Norme sur l'accessibilité des sites Web [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: August 1, 2011, gouvernement du Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. Accessibilité à Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: July 12, 2018, gouvernement du Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. Guide sur les mesures d'adaptation en milieu de travail [intranet] [in French, but also available in English]. Date modified: November 23, 2018, gouvernement du Canada [consulté en novembre 2018].
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Building a Diverse and Inclusive Public Service: Final Report of the Joint Union/Management Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion. Date modified: January 9, 2018, Government of Canada [accessed November 25, 2020].
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Employment Equity in the Federal Public Service 2000-01. Annual Report to Parliament [PDF 1.04 MB]. Government of Canada, 2002, [101 pp.] [accessed in November 2018]. ISBN 0-662-66378-0.
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Glossary: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada. Date modified: May 7, 2020, Government of Canada [accessed November 25, 2020].
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Standard on Web Accessibility. Date modified: August 1, 2011, Government of Canada [accessed in November 2018].
- Université d'Ottawa. Réduire l'impact des obstacles à l'apprentissage. Guide à l'intention du personnel enseignant [PDF, 294.47 KB] [in French, but also available in English] [no date] [29 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- University of Ottawa. Minimizing the impacts of learning obstacles. A guide for professors [PDF, 290.39 KB] [no date] [28 pp.] [accessed in November 2018].
- Vers l'accessibilité. Module sur la Norme d'accessibilité de l'information et des communications [in French, but also available in English]. [no date] [consulté en novembre 2018].
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