Workplace mental health glossary
Find the English and French equivalents to 337 concepts related to workplace mental health.
About this glossary
Since the publication of the Workplace mental health glossary in 2015, the public service of Canada has put forward several initiatives in its efforts to create a healthy work environment and promote the well-being of its employees. For example, it adopted the Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy in 2016, and the first Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health was established at Public Services and Procurement Canada in 2017. The updated version of this glossary takes into account the terminology related to these new initiatives. It contains 337 concepts, as well as definitions and explanatory notes to help with using the terminology in the correct context.
Revised in March 2018.
Browsing the glossary alphabetically
Select a letter to browse the glossary alphabetically. Next, click on a designation to consult its French equivalent and other terminological information (which may vary from one entry to another) that includes other designations, definitions, notes and usage examples.
- The numbers in square brackets "[ ]" that follow a designation indicate that there are different meanings for this designation
- Parts of speech, gender and number (for example, noun, verb, adjective, plural and in French, "nom," "nom masculin," "nom féminin," "nom pluriel," "nom masculin pluriel," "nom féminin pluriel," "adjectif," "adjectif masculin," "adjectif féminin," "verbe") refer to the entire designation
- When the masculine and feminine forms of a French designation are spelled the same way, only the part of speech of the designation is specified in parentheses
- Search tip: If you do not find the term you are looking for alphabetically, you may select the "Show all" button then press simultaneously on the "Ctrl" + "F" keys of your keyboard. This will allow you to type the term in your browser's "Search" window. Unfortunately, this tip does not work on all devices
Navigation menu providing access to the glossary terms, arranged in alphabetical order.
- - glossary – letter A
- - glossary – letter B
- - glossary – letter C
- - glossary – letter D
- - glossary – letter E
- - glossary – letter F
- - glossary – letter G
- - glossary – letter H
- - glossary – letter I
- - glossary – letter J
- - glossary – letter L
- - glossary – letter M
- - glossary – letter N
- - glossary – letter O
- - glossary – letter P
- - glossary – letter R
- - glossary – letter S
- - glossary – letter T
- - glossary – letter U
- - glossary – letter V
- - glossary – letter W
- Glossary – letter A
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
abuse of authority
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Definitions | Harassment that occurs when an individual misuses the authority inherent in his or her position to endanger a person's job, undermine a person's performance of that job, threaten a person's livelihood or influence a person's career. | Harcèlement qui se produit lorsqu'une personne exerce de façon indue le pouvoir inhérent à ses fonctions afin de compromettre l'emploi d'un individu, d'entraver l'exécution de cet emploi, de mettre son moyen de subsistance en danger ou de s'ingérer dans sa carrière. |
abusive behaviour
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
abusive supervision
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | An accommodation is generally based on the individual needs of an employee as well as on the resources available to the employer. | Une mesure d'adaptation est généralement accordée selon les besoins de l’employé et les ressources de l'employeur. |
Examples |
active listening
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
acute stress
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A physiological reaction to a sudden and challenging situation. | Réaction physiologique en réponse à une situation soudaine et difficile. |
adverse situation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
affective commitment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
aggressive behaviour
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
alternative dispute resolution
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
anger management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Assembling the Pieces - An Implementation Guide to the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A handbook of the CSA Group and the Mental Health Commission of Canada. | Guide du Groupe CSA et de la Commission de la santé mentale du Canada. |
awards and recognition program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
- Glossary – letter B
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
behavioural change
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
best practice
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
bond of trust
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Building Success: A Guide to Establishing and Maintaining a Psychological Health and Safety Management System in the Federal Public Service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A report to the Steering Committee on Mental Health in the Workplace. For Government of Canada employees. |
Rapport au Comité directeur sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. Pour les employés du gouvernement du Canada. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter C
Canada Labour Code
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A non-profit organization that provides mental health education to the public. | Organisme à but non lucratif qui a pour but d'éduquer le public sur la santé mentale. |
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Human Rights Act
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Mental Health Association
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Canadian Mental Health Association Mental Health Week
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes | The week takes place every year at the beginning of May. | La semaine a lieu tous les ans au début du mois de mai. |
Centre of Expertise on Mental Health in the Workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The Centre of Expertise on Mental Health in the Workplace is the result of an initiative of collaboration between departmental officials and bargaining agents that is designed to support federal organizations in developing and implementing measures as outlined in the Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy. | Le Centre d'expertise pour la santé mentale en milieu de travail est une initiative de collaboration entre les représentants ministériels et les agents négociateurs afin d'aider les organismes fédéraux à développer et à mettre en œuvre les mesures telles que définies dans la Stratégie pour la fonction publique fédérale sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. |
Champions of Mental Health Awards
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The annual Champions of Mental Health Awards bring together members of the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health network, political decision makers, business leaders, members of the national media, sponsors and other stakeholders to celebrate individuals and organizations whose outstanding contributions have advanced the mental health agenda in Canada. | Les Prix annuels des Champions de la santé mentale ont pour but de rassembler les membres du réseau de l'Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale, les décideurs politiques, les membres des médias nationaux, les commanditaires et d'autres intervenants afin de rendre hommage aux personnes et aux organismes dont les contributions exceptionnelles ont aidé à faire avancer la cause de la santé mentale au Canada. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
Changing Directions, Changing Lives: A Mental Health Strategy for Canada
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The first mental health strategy for Canada prepared by the Mental Health Commission of Canada in 2012. | Première stratégie en matière de santé mentale au Canada élaborée par la Commission de la santé mentale du Canada en 2012. |
chronic stress
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
chronic stress factor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes | n/a | Bien que le terme « stresseur » ne soit pas répertorié dans les dictionnaires généraux, il est utilisé dans les ouvrages spécialisés du domaine de la psychologie du travail. |
chronic work stress
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
civility and respect
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
clear communication
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
clear leadership and expectations
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
clinical intervention
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
code of conduct
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
cognitive ability
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
cognitive impairment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
cognitive overload
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
cognitive restructuring
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Definitions | A cognitive-behavioural therapy technique used to identify and correct negative thinking patterns. | Technique de thérapie cognitivo-comportementale qui permet de cibler et de modifier les schèmes de pensée négatifs. |
collaborative communication
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
communication strategy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
community resource
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Competencies Profile for Harassment Investigators
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. |
confidential discussion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
confidential meeting
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
conflict management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
conflict of interest
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
conflict resolution
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
continuance commitment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Notes | Continuance commitment is associated with the losses perceived by the employee if he or she decided to leave his or her organization definitively. These losses may be the loss of friends, of retirement benefits, etc. If these losses outweigh the benefits of leaving the job, the employee may decide to stay in the organization. | L'engagement de continuité est associé aux pertes perçues par l'employé s'il décidait de quitter définitivement son organisation. Ces pertes peuvent être la perte d'amis, de prestations de retraite, etc. Si ces pertes dépassent les avantages de quitter son emploi, l'employé peut décider de rester au sein de l'organisation. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
coping skill
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
coping strategy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
corrective action
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
critical event
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | An event or a series of events that has a stressful impact sufficient enough to overwhelm the usually effective coping skills of an individual or group. | Évènement ou série d'évènements ayant des répercussions stressantes dépassant les capacités d'adaptation habituellement efficaces d'une personne ou d'un groupe. |
Examples |
critical incident stress management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
cultural difference
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
culture change
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter D
decision-making authority
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
decision-making autonomy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Directive on the Harassment Complaint Process
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. |
disability case manager
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
disclosure of wrongdoing
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
disengagement [1]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
disrespectful behaviour
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
duty to accommodate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter E
early intervention
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
early screening
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
emotional competence
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
emotional exhaustion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
emotional fatigue
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
emotional intelligence
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, self-motivation, empathy and social deftness. | L'intelligence émotionnelle comprend la conscience de soi, le contrôle des impulsions, la persévérance, l'automotivation, l'empathie et les habiletés sociales. |
emotional job demand
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
emotional well-being
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
employee and family assistance program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Employee and Organization Assistance Program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Public Services and Procurement Canada. | Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. |
employee assistance program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
employee-employer relationship
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
employee-manager relationship
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
employee morale
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
empowerment [1]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A process by which an employee takes responsibility for his or her actions and makes full use of his or her knowledge, energy and judgment to provide quality service. | Processus par lequel un employé prend la responsabilité de ses actes et utilise pleinement ses connaissances, son énergie et son jugement afin d'offrir un service de qualité. |
Notes | n/a | Le terme « autonomisation » est utilisé lorsqu'on se place du point de vue de l'employé qui souhaite renforcer son autonomie d'action. Ne pas confondre avec le terme « habilitation », qui est utilisé du point de vue du gestionnaire. |
empowerment [2]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A process by which an employee is given the necessary freedom to make full use of his or her knowledge, energy and judgment to provide quality service. | Processus par lequel la gestion accorde à l'employé la liberté d'action qui lui permettra d'utiliser pleinement ses connaissances, son énergie et ses compétences afin d'offrir un service de qualité. |
Notes | n/a | Le terme « habilitation » est utilisé lorsqu'on se place du point de vue du gestionnaire qui décide d'accorder une plus grande liberté d'action à des membres du personnel. Ne pas confondre avec le terme « autonomisation », qui est utilisé du point de vue de l'employé. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
exit interview
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | An exit interview covers issues such as operations, managerial style, workplace ethics, morale, and health and safety issues. | Une entrevue de départ porte sur les activités, la philosophie de gestion et les principes éthiques de l'organisation ainsi que sur des questions touchant au moral, à la santé et à la sécurité des employés. |
external factor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
extrinsic motivation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary – letter F
fear of reprisal
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer. | Bureau du dirigeant principal des ressources humaines. |
Federal Speakers' Bureau on Mental Health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | An employee-driven, volunteer-based national Bureau of speakers with lived experience, that supports the Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy. | Bureau national dirigé sur une base volontaire par des conférenciers ayant une expérience vécue en santé mentale et dont l'objectif est de fournir un appui à la Stratégie pour la fonction publique fédérale sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. |
feeling of self-efficacy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | The belief that one can perform the required task. | Croyance d'un individu en sa capacité d'effectuer une tâche. |
fit for work
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
fitness to work
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Examples |
flexible work arrangement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
- Glossary – letter G
General Health Questionnaire
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Developed by Doctor David Goldberg in the 1970s, the General Health Questionnaire is a psychometric screening tool used to identify common psychiatric conditions. | Mis au point par le Docteur David Goldberg dans les années 1970, le Questionnaire sur l'état de santé général est un instrument de détection de troubles mentaux non psychotiques. |
growth and development
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
Guarding Minds @ Work: A Workplace Guide to Psychological Health and Safety
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | A comprehensive set of resources designed to protect and promote psychological health and safety in the workplace. | Ensemble exhaustif de ressources conçues pour protéger et promouvoir la santé et la sécurité psychologiques en milieu de travail. |
- Glossary – letter H
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity. | État complet de bien-être physique, mental et social, qui ne consiste pas seulement en une absence de maladie ou de déficience. |
health behaviour
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Health behaviours may be of two types: health-enhancing and health-compromising behaviours. | Les comportements liés à la santé peuvent être de deux types : ceux qui favorisent une bonne santé et ceux qui peuvent avoir des effets néfastes. |
Examples |
n/a |
Health Canada
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
health habit
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
health professional
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
health promotion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | The process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. | Processus qui confère aux populations les moyens d'assurer un plus grand contrôle sur leur propre santé et d'améliorer celle-ci. |
healthy work environment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
hostile work environment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter I
incident investigation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
informal conflict management system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A systematic approach composed of informal processes and conflict management training and that aims to deal with workplace conflicts. | Approche systématique composée de processus informels et de formation en gestion des conflits visant à gérer les conflits en milieu de travail. |
informal intervention
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
interpersonal conflict
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
interpersonal skill
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
intervention effort
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
intrinsic motivation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
involvement and influence
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
- Glossary – letter J
job control
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Definitions | The degree to which an employee can influence various aspects of his or her job. | Niveau d'influence qu'un employé exerce sur divers aspects de son travail. |
Notes | Examples of aspects an employee can influence include the pace, the planning and the execution of work tasks. | Les aspects du travail sur lesquels un employé peut exercer une influence sont, par exemple, la cadence, la planification et l'exécution des tâches. |
job decision latitude
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | The freedom an employee has to make work-related decisions. | Liberté dont dispose un employé dans la prise de décision liée à son travail. |
job demand
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Definitions | A psychological stressor present in the work environment. | Facteur de stress psychologique présent dans l'environnement de travail. |
Notes | Psychological stressors can include, for example, time pressure and the complexity of a task. | Les facteurs de stress psychologiques peuvent comprendre, par exemple, les contraintes de temps et la complexité d'une tâche. |
job dissatisfaction
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
job fulfilment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
job insecurity
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
job involvement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
job satisfaction
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
job security
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Joint Sub-Committee on Mental Health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A joint sub-committee that provides leadership and oversight in the establishment and management of a psychological health and safety management system in the federal public service. | Sous-comité mixte qui assume le rôle de leadership et de supervision dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre et du maintien d'un système de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité psychologiques au sein de la fonction publique fédérale. |
Joint Task Force on Mental Health in the Workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A federal public service-wide joint task force. | Groupe de travail mixte œuvrant à l'échelle de la fonction publique fédérale. |
- Glossary – letter L
locus of control
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A person who feels in control of his or her life has an internal locus of control, whereas a person who believes that life events are due mainly to fate or to luck has an external locus of control. | Une personne dont le lieu de contrôle est interne croit qu'elle a une bonne maîtrise sur sa vie et qu'elle peut intervenir et en changer le cours. Par contre, une personne dont le lieu de contrôle est externe a plutôt tendance à attribuer aux évènements extérieurs un pouvoir sur ce qui lui arrive. |
Examples |
- Glossary – letter M
management practice
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Examples |
mental [1]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | Of or pertaining to the mind. | Qui concerne les faits psychiques, la pensée. |
Notes | Although the adjectives "mental" and "psychological" are considered synonyms in this sense, in some contexts, one of these adjectives may be preferred over the other. For example, the term "mental health" could be used in a medical context and "psychological health" in a context about the promotion of health. | Bien que les adjectifs « mental » et « psychologique » soient synonymes dans ce sens, dans certains contextes, l'un pourrait être privilégié par rapport à l'autre. Par exemple, le terme « santé mentale » pourrait être utilisé dans un contexte médical et « santé psychologique », dans un cas où il est question de la promotion de la santé. |
mental [2]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | Pertaining to the process of acquiring knowledge and thinking. | Qui concerne les processus mentaux en œuvre dans la pensée et l'acquisition de la connaissance. |
Notes | Although the adjectives "mental" and "cognitive" are considered synonyms in this sense, in some contexts, one of these adjectives may be preferred over the other. | Bien que les adjectifs « mental » et « cognitif » soient synonymes dans ce sens, dans certains contextes, l'un pourrait être privilégié par rapport à l'autre. |
mental capacity
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
mental exhaustion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental fatigue
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
mental health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | A state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work successfully and productively and is able to make a contribution to the community. | État de bien-être qui permet à chacun de réaliser son potentiel, de faire face aux difficultés normales de la vie, de travailler avec succès et de manière productive et d'être en mesure d'apporter une contribution à la communauté. |
Notes | Although the terms "mental health" and "psychological health" are considered synonyms in the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, in some contexts, one may be preferred over the other. For example, the term "mental health" could be used in a medical context and the term "psychological health" in a context about the promotion of health. | Bien que les termes « santé mentale » et « santé psychologique » soient considérés comme synonymes dans la Norme nationale du Canada sur la santé et la sécurité psychologiques en milieu de travail, dans certains contextes, l'un pourrait être privilégié par rapport à l'autre. Par exemple, le terme « santé mentale » pourrait être utilisé dans un contexte médical et « santé psychologique », dans un cas où il est question de la promotion de la santé. |
Examples |
mental health awareness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health continuum
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health crisis
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
mental health crisis intervention
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
mental health education
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Mental Health First Aid
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | An educational program established by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. | Programme éducatif mis sur pied par la Commission de la santé mentale du Canada. |
mental health performance indicator
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health pledge
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health promotion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health resources
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
mental health strategy
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A strategy that aims to prevent psychological injury, promote psychological well-being and support employees who are experiencing a mental health problem. | Stratégie qui vise à prévenir les blessures psychologiques, à promouvoir le bien-être psychologique et à offrir du soutien aux employés aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale. |
mental job demand
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
mental illness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | A recognized, medically diagnosable illness that results in the significant impairment of an individual's cognitive, affective or relational abilities. | Maladie qui peut être diagnostiquée, qui est reconnue d'un point de vue médical, et qui résulte en une incapacité marquée à utiliser ses habiletés cognitives, affectives ou relationnelles. |
mental stress
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
mental workload
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | The ongoing and systematic bullying of an individual by his or her colleagues. | Harcèlement continu et systématique d'un individu par ses collègues. |
- Glossary – letter N
National Council of Federal Employees with Disabilities
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A council that focuses on employment equity and deals with disability management, mental health and other disability-related issues in the federal public service. | Conseil qui s'intéresse à l'équité à l'emploi et qui traite de la gestion de l'incapacité, de la santé mentale et d'autres enjeux liés à l'incapacité dans la fonction publique fédérale. |
National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
non-judgmental listening
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
non-verbal communication
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
normative commitment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | An employee's sense of moral obligation towards the employer. | Sentiment d'obligation morale d'un employé envers son employeur. |
- Glossary – letter O
occupational disease
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
occupational health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
occupational health and safety
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Examples |
occupational health and safety representative
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
occupational health nurse
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
occupational health physician
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
occupational health psychology
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | An interdisciplinary field that aims at improving the quality of work life and protecting and promoting the safety, health and well-being of workers. | Domaine interdisciplinaire qui vise à améliorer la qualité de vie au travail et à protéger et à promouvoir la sécurité, la santé et le bien-être des travailleurs. |
occupational stress
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
occupational stress factor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes | n/a | Bien que le terme « stresseur » ne soit pas répertorié dans les dictionnaires généraux, il est utilisé dans les ouvrages spécialisés du domaine de la psychologie du travail. |
occupational therapist
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | An independent, neutral and confidential resource for mental health at Public Services and Procurement Canada. | Ressource indépendante, neutre et confidentielle en matière de santé mentale de Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. |
Ombudsman for Mental Health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Public Services and Procurement Canada. | Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. |
organizational change management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Examples |
n/a |
organizational citizenship behaviour
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Definitions | A discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements, but that promotes the effective functioning of the organization. | Comportement discrétionnaire qui va au-delà de ce qui est exigé par le contrat de travail et qui améliore le bon fonctionnement de l'organisation. |
organizational commitment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | The affective attachment of an employee to an organization. | Attachement affectif qu'un employé manifeste à l'égard de son organisation. |
organizational culture
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
organizational practice
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
organizational risk factor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
organizational socialization
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Definitions | The process by which a person acquires the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours in order to adapt to a new work role. | Processus par lequel une personne acquiert les connaissances, les habiletés, les attitudes et les comportements nécessaires pour assumer de nouvelles fonctions. |
organizational stress factor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes | n/a | Bien que le terme « stresseur » ne soit pas répertorié dans les dictionnaires généraux, il est utilisé dans les ouvrages spécialisés du domaine de la psychologie du travail. |
organizational support
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter P
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
peer support
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
peer supporter
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Definitions | A person who helps a peer adapt to a field or organization by promoting psychological health, mutual aid and collaboration. | Personne qui aide un pair à s'intégrer dans un domaine ou dans une organisation par la promotion de la santé psychologique, de l'entraide et de la collaboration. |
People First
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The motto of the Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health. | Slogan du Bureau de l'ombudsman de la santé mentale. |
performance management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
personal accomplishment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
personal development
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
personal stress
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
physical fitness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
physical health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
physical job demand
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
physical safety
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
physical safety protection
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
physical stressor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Notes | Physical stressors include noise, a chaotic environment, a sense of no control over space, fear for physical safety, harsh or flashing lights, extremes of heat or cold, working at a construction site and other adverse physical conditions. | Les facteurs de stress physiques comprennent le bruit, un milieu de travail chaotique, l'impression de ne pas contrôler l'espace, une crainte pour sa sécurité physique, des lumières vives ou clignotantes, la chaleur ou le froid extrême, le travail devant être exécuté dans un chantier de construction et d'autres conditions physiques néfastes. Bien que le terme « stresseur » ne soit pas répertorié dans les dictionnaires généraux, il est utilisé dans les ouvrages spécialisés du domaine de la psychologie du travail. |
Policy on Harassment Prevention and Resolution
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The federal public service policy establishes the responsibility of deputy heads to protect employees from harassment by requiring that they respond to all forms of harassment. | La politique de la fonction publique fédérale établit la responsabilité des administrateurs généraux de protéger les employés contre le harcèlement en exigeant qu'ils donnent suite à tous types de harcèlement. |
Policy on the Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities in the Federal Public Service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A policy for workplace accommodation to employees with disabilities, jointly administered with the Public Service Commission of Canada's policy on accommodation in the appointment process. | Politique qui offre des mesures d'adaptation aux employés handicapés, lesquelles sont administrées conjointement et conformément à la politique sur les mesures d'adaptation dans le cadre du processus de nomination de la Commission de la fonction publique du Canada. |
positive psychology
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
potential risk factor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A condition in which an employee is at work when his or her physical or mental health is at risk due to illness, fatigue or depression, or in which he or she works more than his or her normal working hours in order to gain the favour and appreciation of the employer. | Fait, pour un employé, de travailler alors que sa santé physique ou mentale ne le lui permet pas à cause de maladie, de fatigue ou de dépression ou bien de travailler pendant des heures excessives dans le but d'être apprécié de l'employeur. |
prevention tool
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Examples |
preventive measure
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
productive workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
professional competence
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
professional development
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
professional disengagement
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
progressive return to work
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychological abuse
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
psychological climate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychological complaint
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
psychological contract
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Refers to the implicit expectations between employer and employee. | Porte sur les attentes implicites entre l'employeur et l'employé. |
psychological distress
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
psychological empowerment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychological hardship
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Examples |
psychological harm
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
psychological hazard
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
psychological health and safety
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
psychological health and safety management system
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A psychological health and safety management system helps an organization to identify hazards that can cause psychological harm to workers. | Un système de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité psychologiques permet aux organismes d'identifier les dangers qui peuvent causer des dommages psychologiques aux travailleurs. |
Psychological Health and Safety Working Group
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A group composed of Public Services and Procurement Canada employees at all levels who ensure ideas and best practices are shared between their branch or region and the working group. | Groupe constitué d'employés de tous les niveaux de Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada qui assurent la transmission des idées et des pratiques exemplaires entre leur direction générale ou leur région et le groupe de travail. |
psychological job demand
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
psychological job fit
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A good fit between an employee's interpersonal and emotional competencies, job skills and position. | Niveau adéquat de correspondance entre les compétences interpersonnelles et émotionnelles d'un employé, ses aptitudes professionnelles et le poste qu'il occupe. |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
psychologically healthy and safe workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | A workplace that promotes employees' psychological well-being and actively prevents harm to their mental health. | Milieu de travail qui favorise le bien-être psychologique des employés et qui prévient activement les dommages portés à leur santé mentale. |
psychologically healthy workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
psychologically safe workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
psychological protection
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
psychological safety
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | The absence of harm or threats to a worker's mental health. | Absence de dommage ou de menace à la santé mentale d'un travailleur. |
psychological stressor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Notes | n/a | Bien que le terme « stresseur » ne soit pas répertorié dans les dictionnaires généraux, il est utilisé dans les ouvrages spécialisés du domaine de la psychologie du travail. |
psychological suffering
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
psychological support
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
psychological treatment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychological well-being
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychosocial health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
psychosocial risk factor
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | A factor that influences employees' psychological response to their work and working conditions and that can cause psychological health issues. | Facteur qui influe sur la réponse psychologique des employés à leur travail et à leurs conditions de travail, et qui peut entraîner des problèmes de santé psychologique. |
Notes | Psychosocial factors include the way work is carried out (deadlines, workload, work methods) and the context in which work occurs (including relationships and interactions with managers and supervisors, colleagues and coworkers, and clients or customers). Thirteen psychosocial risk factors have been identified by researchers at Simon Fraser University. |
Ces facteurs englobent la façon dont le travail est exécuté (échéances, charge de travail, méthodes de travail) ainsi que le contexte dans lequel il se déroule (notamment les rapports et les interactions avec les supérieurs hiérarchiques, les collègues et les clients). Les chercheurs de l'Université Simon Fraser ont identifié treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux. |
psychosocial work environment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
psychosomatic complaint
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Public Health Agency of Canada
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary – letter R
reasonable accommodation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Definitions | Any adjustment that may be necessary to facilitate the integration of persons from designated groups as long as the adjustment does not impose undue hardship on the employer. | Ajustement destiné à faciliter l'intégration des personnes appartenant aux groupes désignés dans la mesure où cet ajustement n'impose pas de contrainte excessive à l'employeur. |
Notes | Adjustments can include technical aids, workplace adaptation or administrative arrangements. | Les ajustements peuvent être, par exemple, les aides techniques, l'adaptation du lieu de travail ou les dispositions administratives. |
recognition and reward
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Notes | Of an individual to specialized services. | D'une personne vers des services spécialisés. |
referral agent
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
reflective listening
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
respectful workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
return-to-work program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
right fit for the position
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Notes | A right fit for the position means that an employee possesses the technical skills and knowledge for a particular position as well as the psychological skills and emotional intelligence. | Une bonne personne pour le poste signifie qu'elle possède les compétences et les connaissances techniques pour un poste particulier, ainsi que les compétences psychologiques et l'intelligence émotionnelle. |
risk analysis
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | The systematic use of information to identify hazards and to estimate risk. | Utilisation systématique de l'information pour déterminer les dangers et estimer les risques. |
risk assessment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | The overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation. | Processus global d'analyse et d'évaluation de risque. |
risk control
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
risk evaluation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | The process of comparing the estimated risk against given risk criteria to determine the significance of the risk. | Processus de comparaison du risque estimé avec des critères de risque donnés pour déterminer l'importance du risque. |
risk management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
risk mitigation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Road to Mental Readiness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A training program given by the Mental Health Commission of Canada that provides, among others, the tools and resources needed to manage and support employees who may be dealing with mental illness and to improve short-term performance and long-term outcomes in terms of mental health. | Programme de formation offert par la Commission de la santé mentale du Canada. Ce programme a pour objectif, entre autres, de fournir les outils et les ressources nécessaires pour gérer et soutenir les employés qui pourraient être aux prises avec la maladie mentale et d'améliorer la performance à court terme et les résultats à long terme sur le plan de la santé mentale. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter S
safe space
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Definitions | A space where employees can talk without fearing discrimination, criticism, harassment, negative repercussions for their career or any other emotional or physical harm. | Espace où les employés peuvent parler sans craindre la discrimination, les critiques, le harcèlement, les répercussions négatives sur leur carrière ou tout autre dommage physique ou psychologique. |
safety climate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
self-assessment tool
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Definitions | A process by which a person with a mental health issue interiorizes the prejudices and negative opinions about himself or herself. | Processus par lequel une personne atteinte d'un problème de santé mentale intériorise les préjugés et les opinions négatives à son égard. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
sense of belonging
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
social isolation
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
social stigma
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | An attribute or characteristic that is deeply devalued in a particular social context and sets an individual or group apart from others. | Attribut ou caractéristique qui est profondément dévalorisé dans un contexte social particulier et qui, par conséquent, met un individu ou un groupe en marge de la société. |
social support
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
social worker
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
state of well-being
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Steering Committee on Mental Health in the Workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The Steering Committee on Mental Health in the Workplace is part of the Joint Task Force on Mental Health in the Worplace. The Steering Committee is co-led by the Chief Human Resources Officer and the President of the Public Service Alliance of Canada and provides guidance and leadership to the Technical Committee on Mental Health in the Public Service. | Le Comité directeur sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail fait partie du Groupe de travail mixte sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. Le comité directeur, codirigé par le dirigeant principal des ressources humaines et le président de l'Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada, fournit des conseils et un leadership au Comité technique sur la santé mentale dans la fonction publique. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | A social phenomenon characterized by exclusion, rejection, blame or worthlessness resulting from an unfavourable social judgment about an individual or group. | Phénomène social caractérisé par l'exclusion, le rejet, le blâme ou la dévalorisation découlant d'un jugement social défavorable à l'égard d'une personne ou d'un groupe. |
stressful workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
stress level
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
stress management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
stress-related illness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
suicide prevention
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
- Glossary – letter T
Technical Committee on Mental Health in the Public Service
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The Technical Committee on Mental Health in the Public Service is part of the Joint Task Force on Mental Health in the Workplace. The Committee is composed of representatives of both bargaining agents and the employer, and is co-chaired by representatives of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the Public Service Alliance of Canada. | Le Comité technique sur la santé mentale dans la fonction publique fait partie du Groupe de travail mixte sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. Le Comité est composé de représentants des agents négociateurs et de l'employeur, et il est coprésidé par des représentants du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada et de l'Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
time management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
time pressure
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
traumatic event
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
turnover rate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Definitions | The ratio of employees that leave a company to those that are hired over a certain time period. | Rapport entre le nombre de travailleurs qui ont quitté une organisation et le nombre de travailleurs que l'organisation a embauchés au cours d'une période donnée. |
- Glossary – letter U
unfit for work
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
unhealthy workplace
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter V
values and ethics code
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
verbal communication
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
vocational rehabilitation consultant
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
- Glossary – letter W
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
withdrawal behaviour
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Withdrawal behaviours are any behaviours that distance the employee from full engagement in his or her job. | Les comportements de retrait au travail sont des comportements qui éloignent l'employé d'un plein engagement dans son travail. |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
work behaviour
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
work climate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
work-family balance
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
working conditions
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
work-life balance
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
workload management
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | One of the thirteen psychosocial risk factors identified by Simon Fraser University. | Un des treize facteurs de risque psychosociaux déterminés par l'Université Simon-Fraser. |
work overload
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
work performance
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
workplace [1]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | The location at or from which an employee ordinarily works. | Endroit habituel où l'employé exerce les fonctions de son poste. |
workplace [2]
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
Definitions | The conditions under which work is performed. | Conditions dans lesquelles le travail est effectué. |
Examples |
workplace assessment
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A workplace assessment is conducted by a third party to identify points of contention and sources of conflict within an organization, and to consider potential solutions. The primary objective of the workplace assessment is to improve the workplace climate. | Réalisée par un tiers, l'évaluation du milieu de travail permet de cerner les points de mécontentement et les sources de conflits au sein d'une organisation ainsi que d'envisager des solutions potentielles. L'objectif principal de l'évaluation est d'améliorer le climat du milieu de travail. |
workplace fitness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
workplace health and safety program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
workplace health and wellness program
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
workplace mental health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
Workplace Mental Health
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A Canadian Mental Health Association program. | Programme de l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale. |
workplace mental health champion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | A workplace mental health champion is selected through a joint departmental process comprising of senior leaders and union representatives. The workplace mental health champion is the face of the vision of the federal government for a healthy workplace. His or her role is to engage unions and employees at all levels, and raise awareness of the importance of psychological health and safety in the workplace. | Un champion de santé mentale en milieu de travail doit être choisi au moyen d'un processus ministériel conjoint qui comprend des cadres supérieurs et des représentants syndicaux. Un champion de santé mentale en milieu de travail agit comme un ambassadeur de la vision du gouvernement fédéral pour un milieu de travail sain. Son rôle est de mobiliser les représentants syndicaux et les employés de tous les niveaux et sensibiliser son entourage à l'importance de la santé et de la sécurité psychologiques. |
workplace mental health co-champion
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | The appointment of a workplace mental health co-champion for the Canadian federal public service is made by union and management parties. | La nomination d'un cochampion ou d'une cochampionne de santé mentale en milieu de travail pour la fonction publique fédérale canadienne est faite par des parties syndicales et patronales. |
workplace violence
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations | n/a |
workplace well-being
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
n/a |
Workplace Well-Being Directorate
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | Public Services and Procurement Canada. | Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. |
workplace wellness
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
work reintegration
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Other designations |
work schedule
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Examples |
World Mental Health Day
Types of data | English | French |
Preferred designations |
Notes | World Mental Health Day is observed every year on the 10th of October. | La Journée mondiale de la santé mentale est célébrée annuellement le 10 octobre. |
References are presented in the language in which they were consulted at the time the terminology bulletin was prepared. A reference available only in French is accompanied by a notice.
The hyperlinks provided below were active when the bulletin was established. Broken links (that no longer work) have been deactivated.
- Adangnito, Christine. Culture organisationnelle et supervision abusive [PDF, 1.95 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, October 2013, [144 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Addison, Julie. Les déterminants organisationnels et sociaux des trois dimensions de l'épuisement professionnel [PDF, 701.04 KB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, July 2010, [157 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Arikan, Fatma et al. Work-Related Stress, Burnout, and Job Satisfaction of Dialysis Nurses in Association with Perceived Relations with Professional Contacts [PDF, 97.18 KB]. New Jersey, Wiley Online Library, Dialysis & Transplantation, April 2007, [7 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Bergeron, Marie-Ève. L'influence de l'activité physique sur la relation entre les facteurs professionnels et la détresse psychologique chez les travailleurs [PDF, 5.86 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, April 2004, [130 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Berghmans, Claude. Stress au travail : Des nouveaux outils pour les ressources humaines [available in French only]. Paris, Dunod, 2010, [272 pp.] [accessed in 2017]. ISBN 978-2-10-055578-9.
- Bernaud, Jean-Luc et al. Psychologie de la bientraitance professionnelle : Concepts, modèles et dispositifs [available in French only]. Paris, Dunod, 2016, [336 pp.] [accessed in 2017]. ISBN 978-2-10-075256-0.
- Bonin, Jean-Philippe C. L'influence de la culture organisationnelle sur l'épuisement professionnel; étude comparative entre cols blancs et policiers d'un service de police [PDF, 2.93 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, ©2013, [127 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Bourdon, Emmanuelle. La perception du rôle et les attitudes de cynisme et de désengagement chez le technicien ambulancier paramédic québécois dans le contexte des interventions non urgentes [PDF, 9.30 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, December 2011, [266 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Brun, Jean-Pierre. Dossier spécial - reconnaissance et engagement [available in French only]. Revue RH, 2012, vol. 15, No. 1 [accessed in 2017].
- Bureau du Conseil privé. Vingt-quatrième rapport annuel au Premier ministre sur la fonction publique du Canada [in French, but also available in English]. Modified date: May 16, 2017 [accessed in 2017].
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Mental Health. [accessed in 2017].
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Mental Health - Psychosocial Risk Factors in the Workplace. Updated: May 4, 2017 [accessed in 2017].
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Workplace Health and Well-being - Sample Workplace Health and Well-being Program Elements. [accessed in 2015].
- Canadian Standards Association Group and Bureau de normalisation du Québec. National Standard of Canada. CAN/CSA Z1003/BNQ 9700-803/2013, Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace – Prevention, promotion, and guidance to staged implementation [PDF, 1,58 KB]. BNQ/CSA/CSMC, January 2013, [60 pp.] [accessed in 2017].
- Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail. Santé et mieux-être en milieu de travail – Exemples d'éléments d'un programme de santé et mieux-être en milieu de travail [in French, but also available in English]. [accessed in 2015].
- Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail. Santé et mieux-être en milieu de travail – Programme exhaustif de santé et de sécurité au travail [in French, but also available in English]. [accessed in 2015].
- Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail. Santé mentale - Facteurs de risque psychosociaux au travail [in French, but also available in English]. [accessed in 2015].
- Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health Addiction. Guarding Minds @ Work: A Workplace Guide to Psychological Health and Safety. 2012 [accessed in 2017].
- Comité technique sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. Viser la réussite : Un guide pour établir et maintenir un système de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité psychologiques pour la fonction publique fédérale [in French, but also available in English] [MS Word]. November 2017, [38 pp.] [accessed in 2017].
- Décarie, Marie-Claude. Étude de la relation entre l'engagement organisationnel et la détresse psychologique chez les travailleurs et les travailleuses [PDF, 343.68 KB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, May 2010, [90 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Delépine, A. Institut national de recherche et de sécurité. Accidents du travail – maladies professionnelles : du compromis social à la réparation intégrale [PDF, 131.24 KB] [available in French only]. Références en santé au travail, June 2013, No. 134, pp. 115-121 [accessed in 2017].
- De Villers, Marie-Éva. Multidictionnaire de la langue française [available in French only]. Cinquième édition, Montréal, Québec/Amérique, ©2009, [1707 pp.] ISBN 9-7827-6440-6236.
- Emploi et Développement social Canada. La santé mentale en milieu de travail [in French, but also available in English]. [accessed in 2015].
- Équipe de recherche sur le travail et la santé mentale. Les stresseurs au travail [available in French only]. [no date] [accessed in 2017].
- Fertman, Carl I. Workplace Health Promotion Programs: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. San Francisco, John Wiley & Sons, ©2015, [512 pp.] [accessed in 2017]. ISBN 978-1-118-66942-6.
- Garcès, Patricia. Influence du sentiment d'insécurité d'emploi sur la santé mentale et physique : Étude longitudinale [PDF, 2.83 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, April 2009, [135 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Gautrin, Sophie. Une étude sur le rôle modérateur des évènements stressants vécus lors de l'enfance sur la relation entre les conditions de l'organisation du travail et la détresse psychologique [PDF, 609.35 KB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, April 2011, [132 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Grendey-Théberge, Annie. Le climat psychologique des unités organisationnelles : Élaboration et validation d'un questionnaire [PDF, 3.53 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, May 2005, [125 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Groupe Association canadienne de normalisation and Bureau de normalisation du Québec. Norme Nationale du Canada. CAN/CSA Z1003/BNQ 9700-803/2013, Norme nationale du Canada sur la santé et la sécurité psychologiques en milieu de travail – Prévention, promotion et lignes directrices pour une mise en œuvre par étape [PDF, 1.75 MB] [in French, but also available in English]. BNQ/CSA/CSMC, January 2013, [64 pp.] [accessed in 2017].
- Health Canada. Occupational Health and Safety. Modified date: October 31, 2014 [accessed in 2015].
- Houle-Ouellette, Olivier. Les demandes du travail et l'épuisement émotionnel : l'influence de la qualité de la relation d'encadrement (LMX) [PDF, 1.20 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, May 2013, [93 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Karnas, Guy et al. Développement des compétences, investissement professionnel et bien-être des personnes (Volume 2) : Dimensions individuelles et sociales de l'investissement professionnel [available in French only]. Belgique, Presses universitaires de Louvain, ©2003, [600 pp.] [accessed in 2017]. ISBN 2-930344-16-4.
- Lapointe, Émilie. Examen des contributions d'une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle [PDF, 652.38 KB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, June 2013, [171 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Lapointe, Sandra. La détresse psychologique et les problèmes cardiovasculaires chez les travailleurs : une étude transversale de la comorbidité [PDF, 907.64 KB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, August 2009, [181 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Larousse. Dictionnaires Larousse. [available in French only]. Éditions Larousse [no date] [accessed in 2017].
- Le Petit Robert. Dictionnaires Le Robert. [available in French only]. [no date] [accessed in 2017].
- Marchand, Alain. Travail et santé mentale : Des résultats de l'étude Salveo [PDF, 3.55 KB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, OP, February 2017, vol. 40, No. 3, [3 pp.] [accessed in 2017].
- Murray, Mélissa. Le rôle de la profession et du secteur économique sur le risque de dépression majeure [PDF, 1.53 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, December 2007, [122 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Nowak, Fleur. Une étude sur les conditions de l'organisation du travail, le soutien social hors-travail et l'épuisement professionnel [PDF, 1.41 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, December 2011, [139 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Office québécois de la langue française. Le grand dictionnaire terminologique [available in French only]. Gouvernement du Québec, ©2012 [accessed in 2017].
- Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press, ©2017 [accessed in 2017].
- Pearson Education Ltd. Glossary. [accessed in 2017].
- Privy Council Office. Twenty-Fourth Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service. Modified date: May 16, 2017 [accessed in 2017].
- Public Services and Procurement Canada. Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health. First Report to the Deputy Minister. [accessed in 2017].
- Public Services and Procurement Canada. Translation Bureau. TERMIUM Plus® [online database]. [accessed in 2017].
- Roy, Martin. Le climat psychologique des unités organisationnelles en tant que déterminant de la détresse psychologique au travail [PDF, 1.62 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, July 2009, [135 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Santé Canada. Santé au travail [in French, but also available in English]. Modified date: July 9, 2013 [accessed in 2015].
- Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada. Stratégie pour la fonction publique fédérale sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail [in French, but also available in English]. Modified date: November 28, 2016. [accessed in 2017].
- Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada. Premier rapport à la sous-ministre [in French, but also available in English]. Modified date: November 6, 2017 [accessed in 2017].
- Simard, Gilles et al. Pratiques en GRH et engagement des employés : Le rôle de la justice [PDF, 574.87 KB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Érudit, Relations industrielles, spring 2005, vol. 60, No. 2, 2005, pp. 296-319 [accessed in 2017].
- Stellman, Jeanne Mager. Encyclopédie de sécurité et de santé au travail. [in French, but also available in English]. Troisième édition, Genève, Organisation internationale du Travail, ©2002, vol. 3, [4838 pp.] [accessed in 2017].
- Technical Committee on Mental Health in the Workplace. Building Success: A Guide to Establishing and Maintaining a Psychological Health and Safety Management System in the Federal Public Service [MS Word]. November 2017, [38 pp.] [accessed in 2017].
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy. Modified date: November 28, 2016 [accessed in 2017].
- Union des travailleuses et travailleurs accidentés ou malades. Maladies du travail en bref [available in French only]. [no date] [accessed in 2017].
- Vincent, Catherine. L'influence des facteurs professionnels sur la détresse psychologique et les problèmes musculosquelettiques [PDF, 2.85 MB] [available in French only]. Montréal, Université de Montréal, June 2009, [129 pp.] [accessed in 2015].
- Voynnet Fourboul, Catherine. Les attitudes [PDF, 173.22 KB] [available in French only]. Updated: December 2010. [28 pp.] [accessed in 2017].
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