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9.17 Secondary source citations

When referring to a work that has been cited within another, list as the first component of your entry the work that is the focus of your text: either the work that has been quoted or the work in which it is quoted. The first-mentioned work, or primary reference, should be listed in the standard fashion. For the second document, or secondary source, the bibliographic data should be separated by commas. If the secondary source is a book, enclose the publication data in parentheses:

  • Burns, Robert. Epistle to a Young Friend. 1786. Quoted in Robertson Davies, The Deptford Trilogy: The Manticore (Toronto: Macmillan, 1987).


  • Davies, Robertson. The Deptford Trilogy: The Manticore. Toronto: Macmillan, 1987. Quoting Robert Burns, Epistle to a Young Friend, 1786.