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  1. Carol Shields’ characters are so exquisitely crafted and her plot so artfully conceived that it keeps the reader riveted until the final page.


  2. Charlene told Mavis that she would start work at nine.


  3. Deepak would like to improve his butterfly stroke, which because of its technical difficulty has always been weaker than his breaststroke or crawl. However, this year the swimming instructors at his local community centre are not offering any advanced courses in it.


  4. The robins twittered from their perch among the sun-dappled leaves; Jason thought they looked beautiful.


  5. The air was warm, there was little wind, and a light cloud cover kept the sun from being too bright, which made it a perfect day for a cycling tour.


  6. It says in this guide book that one should allow a full day to visit the Fortress of Louisbourg.


  7. This food program will limit the consumption of potential carcinogens, a restriction that should benefit everyone.
